I bid your permission
before I begin to sing:
this is the song gentlemen,
of Benjamín Argumedo.
These are the facts:
it was the 28th of January
when they arrested Alanis
and Benjamín Argumedo.
Where Argumedo was found
they had covered the road;
he was ill there
by the edge of the lagoon,
watching his horse bathing.
After Rodriguez left,
he went to Sombrerete;
but the ungrateful general,
saying he'd go to he sierra,
instead, turned Benjamín in.
They suddenly ordered
the tyrant Murguía
to apprehend Argumedo
and the entire group.
Next day, in the morning,
they went to bring him down,
he could hardly walk,
that poor general!
They threw Benjamín
into a car, as freight,
they passed San Miguel,
arriving in Sombrerete.
Arriving at the depot,
the train began to whistle;
a guard of twenty soldiers
went to bring him down.
They brought Benjamín
to the presence of Murguía
he told the officers
he would die next day.
About three o'clock PM
he was examined
three doctors were assigned
in order to cure him.
When Argumedo recovered,
when his time had come,
he was presented
to General Murguía.
Murguía asked him,
he asked formally:
"What is it you want
General Argumedo?"
"Listen, General:
I am also a brave man,
I want you to execute me,
publicly, before the people."
"Listen, my General,
I won't do that favor;
everything I am doing
is ordered from above."
Just as you may have done
in certain situations;
you know, I have been named
general of operations."
When Argumedo saw
he couldn't have his way,
he didn't show him fear,
instead, he smiled.
Farewell mountains,
sierras, cities, and towns,
where I confronted bullets
resembling raging fires.
Benjamín is finished,
you won't hear form him,
he has been judged by God,
his soul has gone to rest.
With this I say farewell,
because I can't song no more;
gentlemen, these are verses
dedicated to Benjamín Argumedo.