Ya con ésta van tres veces
que se ha visto lo bonito;
la primera fue en McAllen,
en Brownsville y en San Benito.
This makes three times
that something beatiful has been seen,
this first time was in McAllen,
then in Brownsville, later in San Benito.
En la cantina de Bekar
se agarraron a balazos:
por dondequiera volaban
botellas hechas pedazos.
In Baker's cantina
there was a gunfight:
and pieces of broken glass
were flying everywhere.
Esa cantina de Bekar
al momento quedó sola;
nomás Jacinto Treviño
de carabina y pistola.
Baker's cantina was
quiet all of a sudden,
just Jacinto Treviño was standing
with his rifle and his pistol.
-Entrenle rinches cobardes,
el pleito no es con un niño;
querían conocer a su padre,
¡yo soy Jacinto Treviño!-
"Come on in you cowardly Rangers,
you're not messing around with a kid,
if you want to know who your daddy is,
it is I, Jacinto Treviño."
Decía Jacinto Treviño
que se arrastraba de risa:
-A mí los rinches me hicieron
los puños de la camisa.-
Jacinto Treviño said
while trying to keep from laughing:
"All that you Rangers are good for
is to sew the cuffs on my shirt."
Decía el sherife mayor
como era americano:
-¡Ay que Jacinto tan hombre,
No niega ser mexicano!-
The head sheriff said,
since he was an american:
"What a brave man Jacinto is,
you can see that he's a Mexican!"
Ya con ésta me despido
aquí en presencia de todos,
se me quieren conocer
los espero allá en Matamoros.
Now with that, I say farewell
here in the presence of everyone:
If you want to come and find me,
I'm waiting for you there in Matamoros.