Download Instructions

Because the audiotexts do not link to an external website, there is no advantage to using them online. Furthermore, a downloaded audiotext loads much faster than an online audiotext and can be used offline. If you choose to download the audiotexts, however, you should check this Web site periodically for updates.

We offer three file archives for each audiotext. The Windows and Macintosh archives contain a Flash "projector" file (pl#.exe and respectively). Flash projectors function as Flash players, so you should not need to have a Flash player to use these audiotexts. The system requirements for the projectors are the same as those for the player. If you are using a screen reader or an operating system other than Windows or Macintosh, you should download the accessibility archive. This archive contains a standard Flash movie file (pl#.swf), so you will need to open the movie in a browser with Flash Player 8 or above installed.

In addition to a Flash projector or movie, all of the file archives contain a pl#_annos.txt document with the annotations. The Book One and Two archives also contain the following files:

    Book One
  • pl1.txt (modernized text)
  • pl1_illos.txt (commentary for illustrations section)
  • Book Two
  • pl2.txt (modernized text)
  • pl2.mp3 (Windows and Macintosh)
  • pl2.mp3_markers.xml (audio timings)

These files can be edited or replaced but should not be renamed or removed from the folder containing the Flash movie or projector file.

The file archives are in ZIP (.zip) format. If your operating system does not provide a built-in wizard or utility to extract the files, you will need an application such as Stuffit Expander or WinZip. For more information, see the Wikipedia page "Comparison of File Archivers."