YOIK – a film
A 32:15 minute film on Sámi yoik. Four yoikers are heard: Karen Anna Buljo, Johan Anders Bær, Lars Ánte Kuhmunen and Krister Stoor. Johan Anders Bær from Norwegian Sápmi gave a concert at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas in May of 2005. Krister Stoor from Swedish Sápmi and a professor of Sámi Studies at the University of Umeå was interviewed at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas in 2005. Karen Anna Buljo from Norwegian Sápmi was interviewed and she yoiked in Alta, Norway in 2005. Lars Ánte Kuhmunen from Swedish Sápmi yoiked at the Saltoluokta festival in northern Sweden in 2005. There is also a short interview with Håvard Larsen a Sámi handicraftsman from Balsfjord kommune in Norway.