Different nuances of negation are achieved
by using the following negative expressions:

ne ... jamais |
never, not ever |
ne ... pas encore |
not yet |
ne ... rien |
nothing, not anything |
ne ... personne |
nobody, no one, not anybody |
ne ... plus |
no more, not any longer |
ne ... pas du tout |
not at all |

Note that ne becomes n' in front of a verb starting with a vowel or a mute h.
In spoken French, the ne / n' is sometimes dropped.
The second element of the negation is usually placed right after the conjugated verb and before the object, as in this dialogue:

C'est dimanche matin. |
It is Sunday morning. |
Tammy: Tex, tu es réveillé? |
Tammy: Tex are you awake? |
Tex: Non, je ne suis pas réveillé. |
Tex: No, I am not awake. |
Tammy: Tu dors encore? |
Tammy: Are you still asleep? |
Tex: Maintenant, je ne dors plus! Avec toi, je ne peux jamais faire la grasse matinée! |
Tex: Now I am no longer alseep! With you I can never sleep in! |
Tammy: Mais regarde, je t'apporte une tasse de café et un croissant. |
Tammy: But look, I'm bringing you a cup of coffee and a croissant. |
Tex: Non merci, je ne veux rien. Je n'ai pas du tout faim. |
Tex: No thanks, I don't want anything. I am not hungry at all. |
Tammy: Eh bien, tu es charmant ce matin. |
Tammy: Well, aren't you charming this morning. |

Personne and rien are negative pronouns;
they may function as the subject or direct object of a sentence, or as the object of a preposition. When personne is an object,
it is placed after the verb or the preposition it complements:

Ce matin, Tex ne veut voir personne. |
This morning Tex does not want to see anybody. |
Il ne veut parler à personne. |
He does not want to talk to anybody. |
Il ne pense à rien. |
He's not thinking about anything. |

Personne and rien may be used at the beginning of a sentence, as pronoun subjects,
followed by ne / n':

Personne n'aime se lever tôt un dimanche. |
Nobody likes to get up early on a Sunday. |
Rien n'est pire. |
Nothing is worse. |

Some of the negations listed above can be combined, as shown in these examples:

Tammy: Je ne te ferai plus jamais le petit-déjeuner. |
Tammy: I will never make your breakfast again. |
Tex: Mais Tammy, tu sais que je ne prends jamais rien au petit-déjeuner. |
Tex: But Tammy, you know I never have anything for breakfast. |
