Friday, March 25
1:00 PM – REGISTRATION 2.102 Eastwoods Room , Texas Union
1:30 PM – WELCOME 2.102 Eastwoods Room , Texas Union
2:00 – 3:30 PM – PANEL SESSION A
A1: Women, Reproductive Rights and Healthcare
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: Elizabeth Green Musselman, Southwestern University |
The Poor White Problem and the Politics of Birth Control in South Africa, 1910-39
Susanne Klausen, Carleton University
Emerging Issues in Nigerian Abortion Jurisprudence
Victor Nnamdi Opara, University of Toronto
The Freedom to Risk One's Life: Women and the Experience of Clandestine Abortions in Urban Burkina Faso
Liza Debevec, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Gender, Sickle Cell Disease, and Human Rights in Nigeria
Olufunke Adesuwa Akiyode, Boston University |
A2: Traditional Medical Systems in Contemporary Healthcare Settings
4.206 Chicano Culture Room
Chair: Andrew Gordon, University of Houston |
The Traditional Healing System among the Yoruba: An Appraisal
Ibigbolade Simon Aderibigbe, Lagos State University
Recuperating Traditional Pharmacology and Healing among the Abaluyia of Western Kenya : From the Past to the Present
Maurice N. Amutabi, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
Indigenous Plants as Alternative Immunomodulators in HIV/AIDS Patients
Thomas V. Jacobs, University of South Africa
Ritualizing Communal Wellbeing in Igalaland: The Igala Anthropology of Healthcare and Implications for Contemporary Nigerian Healthcare Delivery
Attah Anthony Agbali, Wayne State University
Role of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in the Provision of Health Care Services in Rural Tanzania from the Pre-Colonial Period to the Present: The Case of Chagga Women
Elinami Veraeli Swai, Penn State University |
3:45–5:15 PM – PANEL SESSION B |
B1: Health and Illness in Theatre and Film
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: Neville Hoad, University of Texas |
The Impact of Theater/Drama on HIV/AIDS Education in Southern Africa
Patrick Ebewo, University of Botswana
Illness: Environmental and Political Injustice in Tess Onwueme's Then She Said It!
Juluette Bartlett-Pack, DeVry University/University of Phoenix
Established Order of the Past and Exigencies of the Present: Bi-directional Respect in African Tradition
Fehintola Mosadomi, University of Texas
Tales from Cameroon : The Mad Mother and Her Children, A Psychological Reading of Three Films by Jean-Marie Teno
Olivier Jean Tchouaffe, University of Texas |
B2: Health Crises, Political Activism and Literature
4.206 Chicano Culture Room Chair: Lorraine N. Niba , Virginia Tech University |
“No Short Cuts”: Landmines, HIV/AIDS and Africa 's New Generation
Barbara Harlow, University of Texas
Western Aid and HIV/ AIDS in Rwanda
Lena Khor, University of Texas
Songs and Politics of the Lunatic: Okekwe's Foray into the Malaise of a Nation
Ijeoma C. Nwajiaku, Federal Polytechnic,Oko. Anambra State, Nigeria
Learning from Black Women's Political Activism in Brazil : An Overview of Black Women's Reproductive Health Issues
Sonia Beatriz dos Santos, University of Texas |
Saturday, March 26 8:30AM – COFFEE 2.102 Eastwoods Room 9:00AM-10:30AM – PANEL SESSION C |
C1: Globalization, Ethics and Health
3.208 Lone Star Room
Chair: Akintunde Akinyemi, University of Florida |
Plans for AIDS and the Politics of Genocide
Susan Craddock, University of Minnesota
“In Silence & Secrecy”: Alternative AIDS Epidemiologies and the Ethics of HIV Sentinal Surveillance in Cote d'Ivoire , West Africa
Joseph Hellweg, Florida State University
Of Savages and Mass Killing: Africa , Global Governance of the HIV/AIDS Crisis and the Crisis of Global Health Governance
Obi Aginam, Carleton University
Ethical Issues in Healthcare Practice and Research in Sub-Saharan Africa – A Personal and Professional Perspective
Ike Anya, South West Regional Public Health Training Programme
A Holistic Approach in Managing HIV/AIDS Policy in Democratic South Africa
Ernest Ababio, North West University , South Africa |
C2: Effects of Health Crises on Children
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: Raphael Chijioke Njoku, University of Louisville |
A Rights-Based Approach in Addressing the Needs of Children Infected and Affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Linda Jansen van Rensburg, North West University
The Silent Victims of HIV/AIDS in Kenya : The Plight of Uninfected Children among Nomadic Pastoralists
Winston Jumba Akala, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Faces of HIV/AIDS in Africa
A. Olusegun Fayemi, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Dealing with Epilepsy in a Traditional Society: An Akan (Ghana) Family's Experience
Cecilia Sem Obeng, Indiana University
Theater for HIV/AIDS Counselling Education among Young People in Abuja , Nigeria
Barth O.Y. Oshionebo, University of Abuja |
C3: Poverty and Inequality in Healthcare Access and Treatment
4.206 Chicano Culture Room
Chair: Kathryn Jacobsen, University of Michigan |
The Economic Burden of Buruli Ulcer Disease to Households in Rural Ghana
Frank N.F. Dadzie, Clark Atlanta University , and Gerald M. Mumma, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Is Equity Being Sacrificed?: The Impact of Fees on the Willingness and Ability to Pay for Schistosomiasis Control in the Victoria Lake Region of Tanzania
Jesse Rhode, Touro University
The Microbial Rebellion: Trends and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa
Iruka N. Okeke, Haverford College
Environmental Sanitation as a Crucial Factor in Africans' Health Paradigm
Jare Ajayi, African Agency for an enhanced Socio-Ethics and Traditional Order (ASETO, Ibadan, Nigeria)
Disability in Nigeria
W. Bediako Lamousè-Smith, University of Maryland Baltimore County |
10:45AM-12:15PM – PANEL SESSION D |
D1: Social Constructions of Disease and their Effects on Healthcare
3.208 Lone Star Room Chair: Samuel Obeng, Indiana University |
Contagion and Containment in the African Mind: A Cultural Approach to Disease in Africa
Daniel Mengara, Montclair State University
Confusion, Anger, and Denial: Results of HIV/AIDS Focus Group Discussions with Urban Adult Zimbabweans
Mandi Chikombero , Ohio University
Social Beliefs, Feelings, and Doing What Has to Be Done: Treatment Decisions in Guinea
Andrew J. Gordon, University of Houston
The Relevance of Worldview Interpretation to Healthcare in South Africa
J.C. van der Merwe, University of the Free State
Rethinking Security Threats in Africa : Changing Patterns of Social Relations and Insecurity
Femi Mimiko, Adekunle Ajasin University |
D2: Spirit Healing and Divination
4.110 African-American Culture Room Chair: Joni Jones, University of Texas |
Restoring Relationships or Promoting Denial?: Zionist Prophet-Healers Confront HIV/AIDS in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Fiona Scorgie, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Examining the Role of Language in Healing: Comparison of Two Therapeutic Interventions for Spirit Possession
Christy Schuetze, University of Pennsylvania
Divination, Icons, and Healing in Yoruba Art
Christopher Adejumo, University of Texas
Beyond Medicine: Spiritual Basis of Illness and Healing in Africa
Felix Mensah, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital
Crime Detection and Health Implications:
Forensic Science versus African Traditional Methods
Oluyemisi Bamgbose, University of Ibadan |
D3: Global Capitalism and African Health and Illness
4.206 Chicano Culture Room
Chair: Cecilia Obeng, Indiana University |
African Health on Sale : Marketing Strategies in the Practice of Traditional Medicine in Southwestern Nigeria
Akintunde Akinyemi, University of Florida
Development and Alternative Mitigation/Treatment Opportunities of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Richard Beilock, University of Florida
Rockefeller Brothers West Africa Fund and the Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Nigeria
Hakeem Ibikunle Tijani, Henderson State University
Health Human Capital Condition: An Analysis of the Determinants in Nigeria
A.A. Adebayo, Obafemi Awolowo University |
12:30 – 1:45 Lunch – 100 Garrison Hall – Registered Participants Only
2:00-3:30PM – PANEL SESSION E |
E1: Media Representations of Health and Illness
3.208 Lone Star Room Chair: Barbara Harlow, University of Texas |
Trauma, Ngoma, and the Arts: Possibilities for Healing
Maureen Fielding, Penn State Delaware County
The Infectious Continent: Africa , Disease and the Western Imagination
Sophie Wertheimer, University of Calgary
Representations of African Healers in the Popular Print Media
Kirsten Ruether, University of Hannover
The Effects of Globalization on the Development of the Traditional/Indigenous Yoruba Healing Methods
L. Oyewole Arohunmolase, Adeyemi College of Education |
E2: Environment and Health
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: Iruka N. Okeke, Haverford College |
Poor Man's Trouble, Rich Man's Graveyard: A Study of Malaria and ‘Epidemiological' Sciences since the Nineteenth Century
Raphael Chijoke Njoku, University of Louisville
Development and the Epidemiological Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kathryn Jacobsen, University of Michigan
Lost Grains of Africa : Their Importance in Sustainable Health and Nutrition
Lorraine L. Niba and Abdullah Pope, Virginia Tech University
Cassava Processing and its Related Health Hazards
B.O. Akintunde, Federal College of Agriculture, Ibadan , Nigeria , and T.Y. Akintunde, LAUTECH
Health Issues in a Mining Community
Freek Cronje , North West University, South Africa and
Charity Chenga, University of Kent
E3: Health, Illness, and Gender in Africa
4.206 Chicano Culture Room Chair: Susanne Klausen, Carleton University |
The Significance of Touch in Tuareg Herbal Medicine Women's Healing
Susan Rasmussen, University of Houston
Just Say ‘No!' to Widow Inheritance: Competing Discourses, Identities and Condom Use among Luo Women in Bondo District, Kenya
Crystal Lynn Biruk, University of Pennsylvania
Pharmaceutical Pioneers: Female Pharmacists in Dakar , Senegal
Donna Patterson, Dillard University
Tell Me an HIV/AIDS Story: To Teach/Heal/Commemorate
Devi Sarinjeive, University of South Africa
Comparative Metabolic and Histopathological Effects of Croton penduiflorus (A Herbal Abortifacent) and Depo Provera in pregnant Dutch White Rabbits O.S. Odesanmi, University of Lagos |
3:45-5:15PM – PANEL SESSION F |
F1: Intersections between Western Medicine and Traditional Beliefs
3.208 Lone Star Room Chair: Lenny Rhine, University of Florida |
Smallpox and Social Control in Saint-Louis-du-Senegal, 1850-1916
Kalala Ngalamulume, Bryn Mawr College
Vaccinations in Niger : Perceptions, Beliefs and Ethical Issues of International Health Initiatives
Isabelle LeBlanc, McGill University
“If We Have Something to Tell God, We Tell It to the Wind”: A Pragma-Linguistic and Socio-Pragmatic Account of Akan Therapeutic Discourse
Sameul Gyasi Obeng, Indiana University
Traditional Orthopaedics: The Need (and Means) of Integrating It with Orthodox Method
Jare Ajayi, African Agency for an enhanced Socio-Ethics and Traditional Order (ASETO, Ibadan, Nigeria)
Religious Involvement and HIV Risk: Initial Results from a Panel Study in rural Malawi
Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Texas |
F2: Christianity, Christian Organizations and Healthcare
4.110 African-American Culture Room Chair: Fehintola Mosadomi, University of Texas |
Searching for Hope: The Contribution of Uzuakoli Leprosy Settlement to Leprosy Control in Colonial Nigeria
Onaiwu W. Ogbomo, Eastern Illinois University
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support Activities by the Faith-Based Community in Nigeria : the Case of the Redeemed AIDS Programme Action Committee (RAPAC)
Olufunke Adeboye, University of Lagos
The Catholic Church, Social Justice Teachings and Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria
Attah Anthony Agbali, Wayne State University
Bush's Funding of Religion in Ethiopia through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR): HIV/AIDS, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and Community Beliefs
Kenly Greer Fenio, University of Florida
“God is the Most Superior Physician”: Conqueror of Witches and Great Restorer of Health in Africa
Matsobane J. Manala, University of South Africa |
F3: Strategies for Health Care Delivery
4.206 Chicano Culture Room
Chair: Maurice N. Amutabi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Addressing Health Inequities in Sub-Saharan Africa : The Experience of the Global Equity Gauge Alliance (GEGA)
Lexi Bambas, Global Equity Gauge Alliance
Total Quality Management (TQM): A Comprehensive Strategy towards the Implementation of an Effective and Efficient Healthcare Delivery System in Africa
John Ngosong Morfaw, Jewish Employment Services
Three Proposals for Analyzing the Economic Growth Effects of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
Richard Beilock, University of Florida
The Influence of Ideologies on Health Care in South Africa
Tania van der Merwe, University of the Free State
Clinical Pharmacy Practice in the Nigeria Hospital Setting: What Prospects Ahead
Oladapo Augustus, Adeoyo State Hospital , Ibadan , Nigeria |
6:30 PM - Cash bar, Holiday Inn 7:30 PM – Banquet, Holiday Inn – Registered Participants and Invited Guests Only Sunday, March 27 8:30AM – COFFEE 2.102 Eastwoods Room 9:00AM-10:30AM – PANEL SESSION G |
G1: Health and Community
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: Kalala Ngalamulume, Bryn Mawr College |
“Wisdom that grows and knowledge that flies”: Negotiating Translocal Knowledge and Health Development in Senegal
Bjorn C. Westgard, University of Illinois , Urbana-Champaign
Commemoration and Community Healing: 10 Years after the Rwandan Genocide
Kristin C. Doughty, University of Pennsylvania
Effects of Boisterous (Owanbe) Parties on Cardiovascular Well-Being: Nigeria as a Case Study
Jare Ajayi, African Agency for an enhanced Socio-Ethics and Traditional Order (ASETO, Ibadan, Nigeria)
Sustaining Health through Adult Driven Physical Fitness Activities
Rafiu O. Okuneye, Lagos State University
Gender, Children's Diseases and Traditional Healing Methods in Southwestern Nigeria
A. A. Lawal, University of Lagos |
G2: Information, Education and Healthcare
4.206 Chicano Culture Room
Chair: Hakeem Tijani, Henderson State University |
The Impact of Information Technology on Health Information Access in sub-Saharan Africa : The Divide within the Divide
Lenny Rhine, University of Florida
Improving Health Information Systems in sub-Saharan Africa as a Strategy to Improve Health Equity
Lexi Bambas, Global Equity Gauge Alliance
That You Leave Here Healed
Ebele Oseye, Pace University
The Meeting Point between Psychology and Orthotics/Prosthetics
Ilze Grobler, Tshwane University of Technology
Health Literacy and Instructional Strategies: A Study among Adult Learners in Oyo State , Nigeria
Elizabeth Oluwakemi Augustus, Federal College of Agriculture , Ibadan , Nigeria |
10:45AM-12:15PM – PANEL SESSION H |
H1: HIV/AIDS Transmission, Prevention and Treatment
4.110 African-American Culture Room
Chair: |
Determinants of Deliberate Transmission of HIV among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania
William N. Mkanta, University of Florida
Migration and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa
W. Bediako Lamousè-Smith, University of Maryland Baltimore County
The Acute AIDS Abdomen: A Prospective Clinical and Pathological Study
SJA Smit, University of the Free State
An Analysis of the Impact of AIDS on Funeral Culture in Malawi
Adam D. Kis, University of Florida
Vicissitudes of AIDS Policies in Burkina Faso from 1985 to 2001: A Historical Perspective
Yacouba Banhoro, University of Hamburg |