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Click HERE for a printable version Thursday, March 23, 2006 Arrival of Participants REGISTRATION & WELCOME, 5-10 PM CONFERENCE VENUE OFFICIAL BASE AND PARTICIPANTS’ INTERACTION VENUE
Room Finding Africa in the Dances of the Gods Transnational Displacements and Cultural Continuity: The Survival
of Yoruba Religious Poetry in the Americas Today Milton Nascimento’s Missa dos Quilombos: Musical Invocation,
Race, and Liberation The Lukumi Legacy of Resistance in Cuba Caribbean Freemasons in Africa, 1880-1939 ••••• A2: AFRICAN WOMEN, MIGRATION, & HUMAN TRAFFICKING 4.206 Chicano
Culture Room Trafficking of Young Women and Girls: A Case of “Au Pair” and
Domestic Laborers in Tanzania Widowhood in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects for Development Child Trafficking: A Trans border Journey from Hope to Hopelessness Journey to Work: Nigerian Prostitutes in the Gold Coast (Ghana) Trafficking in Women from Africa to Europe ••••• A3: CULTURAL PRODUCTION ON AFRICAN (IM)MIGRATION 4.110 African-American
Culture Immigrants, Pilgrimage and Imagination: Cinematic Portrayals of African
Immigrants in Movies (Coming to America, In America, and Dirty Pretty
Things Coming to South Africa) On the Genealogy of Modern State-Sponsored Terrorism and Genocide:
Reflecting on Jean-Marie Teno’s Le Malentendu Colonial Transculturation and Cultural Correspondences in Contemporary African
Drama: The Nigerian Experience Cultural and Ethnic Accommodation of New-Comers in South Africa LUNCH, 12:30-1:45 PM Various places within the Union (Burgers, Sandwiches, Pizza, etc.): Wendy’s
Field of Greens Or places within walking distance. Step out of the Union, make a right and you are on Guadalupe: Madam
Mam’s (Thai food), 2514 Guadalupe - it’s north of
the co-op
B1: MULTIPLE DIASPORAS AND PAN-AFRICANISM 4.206 Chicano Culture Room Identity, ‘Foreignness’ and the Dilemma of Immigrants
at the Coast of Kenya: Interrogating the Myth of ‘Black Arabs’ among
Kenyan Africans Forensic Language Analysis in Asylum Applications of African Refugees:
Challenges & Promises Pan Africanism: The Impact of the Nkrumah Years 1945-1966 Following the Yellow Brick Road?: Omoluwabi” in the land of
Oz A Critical Analysis of the Social and Economic Impact of the Asian
Diaspora in Kenya ••••• B2: MIGRATION FOR DEVELOPMENT 3.208 Lone Star Room A Southern Perspective on Public Choice and Efficiency of Environmental
Policy in Heterogeneous Society: The Impact of Population Mobility Searching the World: Following Three Graduating Classes of a Nigerian
Medical School Ethio-Sudanese Relation and the Pattern of Refugee Flow in the Horn
of Africa, (1970s-1990s) The Economic Cost of Government Policy on Displaced People in Central
Culture Beyond the “Zulu Aftermath”: Unscrambling Southern Africa’s “Mfecane” ‘Scattering Time:’ Anti-Colonial Resistance, and Migration
among the Jo-Ugenya of Kenya toward the End of the 19th Century Walking for Land, Drinking Palm Wine: Migrant Farmers and the Historicity
of Land Conflict in Brong Ahafo, Ghana Nigerian Migrants in the Cameroons and the Reactions of the Host Communities,
1885 – 1961 Immigration and Internal Population Displacement: Changing Pattern
of Food Growth and Distribution Trends in Nigeria, 1999-2005 PANEL SESSION C, 3:45 – 5:15PM C1: ROUNDTABLE: Comparative Diasporas and (Im)Migrations – Rethinking
Histories of African, Latino and Asian Migrations 3.208 Lone Star Room Panel: ••••• C2: DIASPORA WITHIN/WITHOUT AND SHIFTING IDENTITIES 4.206 Chicano
Culture Room The Hausa Diaspora in Ghana, 1820-1960 Ghana: Education and Culture – The Question of Gender Role Change Migration and Identity Formation: Ecology, Migration Patterns, and
the Igbo of West Africa Shifting Identities of Nigerian Yorubas in Dahomey and Republic of
Benin c.1940-c.2004 Migration, Shifting Identities, and Cultural and Political Accommodation
in Anglophone Cameroon ••••• C3: MIGRANT LABOR, SACRIFICE, & (UNDER)DEVELOPMENT 4.110 Afr.-American
Culture The Impact of the Relationship between Migrants and Traditional/Tribal
Authorities on South African Mining Communities The Labor Market in Colonial Africa: Constraints and Competition—The
Case of Upper Volta Migrant Workers, 1920-1945 Migrants in French Sudan: Gender Biases in the Historiography Defending the Housing Rights of Displaced Persons in Urban Nigeria The ‘Uprooted Emigrant’: The Impact of the Brain Drain,
Brain Gain and Brain Circulation on Africa’s Development
Saturday, March 25 Continental Breakfast, 8.30AM PANEL SESSION D, 9:00-10:30AM
Trafficking Contracts: Myth or Reality? Re-Examination of Consent
in Human Trafficking The Making of a Modern Diaspora: From Kakuma to the Land of Opportunity,
the Resettlement Process of the Somali Bantu refugees in the United
States Identity and agency amongst Sudanese refugees with protracted refugee
status in Adjumani District, Uganda Squatting and settlement-making in Mamelodi, South Africa Migration of Female Nigerians across the Western Cameroon-Nigeria
Room ‘Born in the USA’: Dislocation, Disrupted Kinship Networks,
and the Transformative Power of Music and Dance in African Immigrant
Baby Naming Ceremonies “No Matter How Long a Piece of Wood Remains in a River, It Does
Not Turn into a Crocodile”: Language and Culture Maintenance
among Akan-Ghanaian Immigrants Living in the United States Celebratory Spaces between Homeland and Host: Politics, Culture, and
Performance in New York’s Malian Community Reconciling Exiles and their Tormentors: Appraisal of Selected Medieval-Contemporary
African Peace-Building Paradigms ••••• D3: AFRICANISMS IN THE DIASPORA 3.208 Lone Star Room “Calling Oneself Whatever Name One Chooses in a Foreign Land”:
The plight of Nigerian Refugees Seeking Asylum in the UK ‘Africa Speaks in Me’: How the Diaspora Shaped the Languages
of the Caribbean, Then and Now Questions of Self-Identity and Self-Autonomy: African Texts and Religious
Conversion in the Eighteenth Century Danish-Norwegian West Indies Food and Language: African Roots of American Southern Culture
OF BLACKNESS 3.208 Lone Star Room Panelists: ••••• E2: MIGRATIONS, AESTHETICS, AND AFRICAN ART 4.206 Chicano Culture
Room Dialogues of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture: Speaking of Art, Home, and
Stereotypes Iconicity and Migration as Paradigms in the Aesthetic Transformation
of Yoruba Art in the West Migrations, Identities and Transculturation in the Coastal Cities
of Yorubaland in the Second Half of the Second Millenary: Another Approach
of African History through Architecture In the Eye of the Storm: Conflict Impact on Art Tradition in
Pre- and Postcolonial Ibadan Hybrid Forms in the Built Environment: A Case Study of African Cities ••••• E3: IMMIGRANTS, REFUGEES AND HOST SOCIETIES 3.304 Quadrangle room “Re-Pounding the Yams; Re-Cooking the Stew”: Factors
Responsible for the Education of Nigerian Immigrants in England and
the United States Paradoxes of Immigrant Incorporation: Promises and Prohibitions of
Income, Education, Perceived Discrimination, and Accent Among Nigerians
in Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas (USA) Policy Implications of African Refugees Settling in the United States Ethnic Stratification and Clan Supremacy: The Plight of the Somali
Refugees in Kenya
F1: VIOLENCE AND TRAUMAS OF DISPLACEMENT 3.304 Quadrangle room Women in the Vortex of Violence and Forced Migration: The 1994 Nanumba-Konkomba
Ethnic Conflict Emerging Issues in the Trafficking of African Women for Prostitution Intergroup Migrations, Conflicts and Displacement in Africa: A Historical
Appraisal of the Central Nigerian Experience ••••• F2: LITERATURE AND THE POLITICS OF DISPLACEMENT 4.206 Chicano Culture
Room Out of Africa: Theory and the Displacement of African Literature Theory on the Move: Anowa and the Politics of Displacement Displacement, Migration and Borders in The Suns of Independences by
Ahmadou Kourouma The Migration and Reintegration of Male Characters in Tess Onwueme’s
Room Migration and Institution Building in Africa: Time to Revisit the
Lagos Plan of Action School Migrations: A Major Concern in Previously Disadvantaged Schools
in South Africa African Immigrant Families and the American Educational System The US-Somali Diaspora Small Arms and Accentuation of Internal Conflicts and Displacement
in Nigeria since the New Political Dispensation
G1: HEALTH ISSUES, MIGRATION, AND DEVELOPMENT 3.208 Lone Star Room ‘There Will Be a Next Time’: Media Discourse of an ‘Apocalyptic’ Vision
of Immigration and Health Risks Culture and Dental Health among African Immigrant School–Age
Children Migration and Health in Africa and the African Diaspora “Predatory Globalization”: Can Trade in Health Services
at the WTO Address the Migration of African Health Professionals to
the West? Health Status – Reason for Migration Managing the Migration of Health-Care Workers—Toward the Transfer
of Knowledge, Skill and Professionalism: The Pharmacist’s perspective ••••• G2: RELIGION AND (IM)MIGRATION IN AFRICA & THE DIASPORA 3.304
Quadrangle room African Immigrants in Urban America: Construction of Social identity
and Religion in St. Louis, Missouri Exporting Religion Abroad: New African Immigrants in America and their
Churches Senegalese Sufi Orders in the Transnational Space: Moving Religious
Activities from Home to Host Countries and Creating Diasporic identities Meanings of Igbo Masquerades and Carnivals of the Diaspora “Running With The Prophecy”: The Redeemed Christian Church
of God in North America, 1992-2005 Connecting Religious Conflicts and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS)
in Nigeria ••••• G3: PRE-COLONIAL YORUBA MIGRATION AND IDENTITIES 4.206 Chicano Culture
Room Migrating Subjects, Frontier Process, and Cultural Transformations
in Yorubaland, Seventeenth Century The Root Is Also Here: The Non-Diasporic Foundations of Yoruba Ethnicity Revisiting the Lagos Awori Frontier: Migrations and the 19th Century
Transformation Migrations, Ethnogenesis, and Settlement Dynamics in Precolonial Yorubaland,
Nigeria ••••• Cash Bar, 6:45PM Banquet, 7:30 PM
Coffee, 8.30AM
Room Nationalist Mythmaking, Cultural Identity, and Nation Building: African
Minorities in the U.S. and Latin America Voluntary Transatlantic Migrations: The Nigerian Experience with the
American Visa Lottery Ethnic Identities and the Culture of Modernity in Northwestern Zimbabwe,
1963-1979 From Slave Ships to Immigration Lotteries: A Comparative Study of
Labor Migration Patterns from Africa to the Americas ••••• H2: DEVELOPMENT, MIGRATION AND CHANGE 4.206 Chicano Culture Room Culture and Human Development in Twenty-first Century Africa African Political Instability and the Search for an Inclusive Society Nigerian Exiles, Democratic Struggles and the Notion of Sacrifice:
Interspatial Activism and the Proactive Discourses of Liberation Poverty: The Bane of Movements and Migrations in Africa: A Case Study
of Nigeria Settlement Strategies, Ceramic Use and Factors of Change Amond the
People of Osun North East of Osun State PANEL SESSION I, 10:45 – 12:15PM I1: GLOBALIZATION, MIGRATION, & HYBRIDITY 3.208 Lone Star Room Nativity and Africans in the New Global World Urban displacements in Zimbabwe at a time of Fear and Loathing: forced
migration during Operation Murambatsvina in 2005 Peoples Without Homes: Displacement and Security Situation in Africa Conjuring Boundaries: Theorizing migration story of Sudanese Women The Impact of Forced Labor Migrations for Tin Mining in the Jos Plateau
on the Tiv Agricultural Sector of Central Nigeria, ca. 1902-1945 ••••• I2: MIGRATIONS, IMAGINATION, & TRANSFORMATIVE POSSIBILITIES 4.206
Chic. Cult. Rm The Imperial Dimensions of Recent Sudanese Testimonio Francophone Memoirs of Migration: Another Historical Perspective? Restoring Narrative, Narrating Justice: Njabulo Ndebele’s
The Cry of Winnie Mandela and the Complication of Truth and Reconciliation Poems of South African Jail and Exile: A Reassessment of the Early
Poetry of Dennis Brutus The Madonna of Excelsior: narrating transformative possibilities |