1a. Mr. Wang does not live at home because he works in a foreign country.
b. Mr. Wang works in a foreign bank.
c. Mr. Wang is often absent from home because he is opening a branch company in a foreign country.
d. Mr. Wang often goes overseas to work in his company’s foreign branch.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript王先生很忙,常常不在家。他的公司在外国也有公司,他常常去外国工作。王先生很忙,常常不在家。他的公司在外國也有公司,他常常去外國工作。 -
2a. Li Li and her boyfriend write to each other in Chinese.
b. Li Li writes to her boyfriend in English and he writes back in Chinese.
c. Li Li writes to her boyfriend in Chinese and he writes back in English.
d. Li Li and her boyfriend write to each other in English.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript李黎的男朋友现在在中国工作,他的中文很好,常用中文给她写信;李黎的英文不好,她也常用中文给男朋友写信。李黎的男朋友現在在中國工作,他的中文很好,常用中文給她寫信;李黎的英文不好,她也常用中文給男朋友寫信。 -
What can you NOT find at this bookstore?
a. English pictorials
b. Chinese dictionaries
c. Japanese books
d. French dictionaries
e. Chinese magazines✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我在书店工作。我们书店有中文书、中文杂志,也有外文书、外文画报。我们有汉语词典,没有外语词典。我在書店工作。我們書店有中文書、中文雜誌,也有外文書、外文畫報。我們有漢語詞典,沒有外語詞典。 -
4a. The man is going to the bookstore to read the new arrivals.
b. The woman is going to the bookstore with the man to buy a dictionary.
c. The man is going to the bookstore to buy a dictionary for the woman.
d. The man is going to the bookstore to browse through books and dictionaries.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:你去哪儿?
男:好。 我去看一下。女:你去哪兒?
男:好。我去看一下。 -
5a. The man’s mother does not have a job. She often reads at home.
b. The man’s mother does not have a job. She writes him often.
c. The man’s mother works from home for a bookstore.
d. The man’s mother is a writer who works at home.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:你妈妈在哪儿工作?
男:她在家寫書。 -
6a. My brother-in-law is rarely home.
b. My older sister is a single mother.
c. Both my sister and I still live with our parents.
d. I have a nephew who lives with his grandparents.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我姐姐现在没有爱人,她的工作很忙,常常不在家,她的孩子都住在我爸妈家。我姐姐現在沒有愛人,她的工作很忙,常常不在家,她的孩子都住在我爸媽家。 -
7a. Ms. Ding has mistaken Ms. Wang for a student.
b. Ms. Ding has mistaken Ms. Wang for a teacher.
c. Ms. Ding asks Ms. Wang which foreign language she (Wang) teaches.
d. Ms. Ding teaches Chinese at the Foreign Language Institute.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript丁小文问王美文,她在外语学院学哪国外语,王美文说,她不是外语学院的学生,她是那儿的汉语老师。丁小文問王美文,她在外語學院學哪國外語,王美文説,她不是外語學院的學生,她是那兒的漢語老師。 -
8a. I often write letters home to tell my family that I miss them.
b. My family often writes me letters to ask if I am busy.
c. I am so busy that I am unable to frequently write letters home.
d. Whenever I miss home, I write letters home to say hi to my family.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我是美国人,现在在中国留学,我很想家,我的家人也很想我。他们常常给我写信,问我好不好。我很忙,不常給他们写。我是美國人,現在在中國留學,我很想家,我的家人也很想我。他們常常給我寫信,問我好不好。我很忙,不常給他們寫。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. Miss Li works at Bank of America.
b. Miss Lin’s older sister works at a bank.
c. Miss Li is a bank manager.
d. Miss Li knew the older Miss Lin but not the younger one.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女1:李小姐,我姐姐问你好。
女2:啊!你姐姐是我們銀行的林經理。請你也問她好。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?
a. Those who want to buy English books go to the second floor.
b. Those who want to buy Japanese magazines go to the first floor.
c. Those who want to buy French books go to the third floor.
d. Those who want to buy Chinese magazines go to the third floor.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我在书店工作,我们书店有英文书,也有外文书。英文书都在二层,外文书都在三层。一层是杂志;外文杂志、英文杂志,我们都有。我在書店工作,我們書店有英文書,也有外文書。英文書都在二層,外文書都在三層。一層是雜誌;外文雜誌、英文雜誌,我們都有。