1a. I frequently invite Anna to my dorm to listen to Chinese music together.
b. Anna frequently comes to my dorm to learn how to sing Chinese songs.
c. Anna frequently invites me to go to Chinese folk song concerts with her.
d. Anna frequently asks me to go to her dorm to sing Chinese songs together.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我的美国朋友安娜很喜欢中国音乐。她常來我宿舍请我教她唱中国民歌。我的美國朋友安娜很喜歡中國音樂。她常來我宿舍請我教她唱中國民歌。 -
2a. The woman and the man are old friends.
b. The man is visiting the woman’s house as her guest.
c. The man is a regular (customer) at the restaurant where the woman is a waitress.
d. The man does not drink beer too often.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:王先生,您好!今天喝什么?也喝啤酒吗?
男:對!今天要一瓶日本啤酒。 -
3a. I asked my girlfriend whether she can have dinner and then see a movie with me; she said she thinks so.
b. My girlfriend cannot decide right away whether she wants to have dinner with me or go to a movie with me.
c. My girlfriend asks me to wait for her after class so that we can go to dinner and a movie together.
d. My girlfriend cannot decide right away whether she wants to go on a date with me this evening.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript下课以后,我问我女朋友,晚上要不要一起去吃饭、看电影,她说她要想一下。下課以後,我問我女朋友,晚上要不要一起去吃飯、看電影,她説她要想一下。 -
4a. The woman is inviting the man to dinner this evening.
b. The woman tells the man she cannot go out with the man this evening.
c. The woman asks the man to bring some friends over for dinner this evening.
d. The woman tells the man what her evening plan is.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:今天晚上你有事吗? 我要请几个朋友來吃晚饭。
男:我沒事。你要我幾點來? -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man may have some health issues.
b. The woman is trying to tell the man not to drink.
c. The woman has no opinion about what kind of wine the man should drink.
d. The man and the woman are in a restaurant.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:很多朋友说,这儿的法国酒很好。你说,我喝红酒还是白酒?
女:別問我。大夫叫你別喝酒。 -
6a. My friend asked me to go to that coffee shop with him.
b. My friend would not let me go to that coffee shop.
c. My friend advised me not to go to that coffee shop.
d. My friend would not go to that coffee shop with me.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我朋友叫我別去那家咖啡馆喝咖啡。他说那儿的咖啡不好喝,服务员也常常很不客气。我朋友叫我別去那家咖啡館喝咖啡。他説那兒的咖啡不好喝,服務員也常常很不客氣。 -
7a. Xie Anni has to ask for her mom’s permission before going out to dinner.
b. Xie Anni has been told to go home after class.
c. Xie Anni has to go home to cook because her mom won’t be home this evening.
d. Xie Anni’s mom has told her that she must eat dinner at home.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我问谢安妮,下课以后要不要一起去吃晚饭,她说她妈妈让她下课以后回家給家人作饭。我問謝安妮,下課以後要不要一起去吃晚飯,她説她媽媽讓她下課以後回家給家人作飯。 -
8a. Neither of them will have coffee.
b. Neither of them will have beer.
c. Both of them will have tea.
d. Neither of them is supposed to drink alcohol.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:你喜欢喝咖啡还是茶?
女:我媽媽不讓我喝酒。我要喝一杯綠茶。 -
9a. Xiao Wang needs his wife’s permission to go drinking with friends.
b. Xiao Wang cannot go drinking with me because his wife has asked him to go home after class.
c. Xiao Wang is not free after class because his wife is waiting to go home with him.
d. Xiao Wang asks me to wait for him after class so that we can go drinking together.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript下课以后,我问小王,有没有事儿?要不要一起去喝啤酒?他叫我等一下,他要回家问一下他太太。下課以後,我問小王,有沒有事兒?要不要一起去喝啤酒?他叫我等一下,他要回家問一下他太太。 -
10a. The man tells the woman he is going drinking with Wang Zhong.
b. The man asks the woman not to tell his wife that he is going drinking with Wang Zhong.
c. Wang Zhong does not want his wife to know that he is going drinking with friends.
d. The man tells the woman that Wang Zhong has asked her to give his wife the message that he is going drinking with some friends.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:王中跟你说什么?