1a. Yesterday was my daughter’s birthday, so my husband cooked for her.
b. In my family, my husband is always the one that cooks.
c. I had a day off from cooking because it was my birthday.
d. On my birthday, we went out to eat because my family would not let me cook.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我每天下课以后,都要回家给家人作饭。昨天我回家的时候,我女儿说:“妈妈,你看,谁在厨房里作饭?”这时候,我先生在厨房里说:“祝你生日好!”我每天下課以後,都要回家給家人作飯。昨天我回家的時候,我女兒説:“媽媽,你看,誰在廚房裡作飯?”這時候,我先生在廚房裡説:“祝你生日好!” -
2a. The man wants the woman to introduce Wang Xiaolan to him.
b. The woman wants the man to meet her brother’s girlfriend.
c. Both the man and the woman’s brother want to meet Wang Xiaolan.
d. Wang Xiaolan is currently the girlfriend of the woman’s brother.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:王小兰没有男朋友,我哥哥没有女朋友,我想给他们介绍。
男:別給你哥哥介紹。我也還沒有女朋友。 -
3a. My mom feels that a wedding reception with 34 guests is too large.
b. My mom feels that she cannot afford to pay for a wedding with over 30 guests.
c. My wedding reception will be at my mom’s house.
d. When I got married in March, too many guests showed up to cram my small house.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我告诉妈妈,明年三月我结婚的时候,要请三、四十个朋友來参加舞会。妈妈说我们家太小,叫我別请太多人。我告訴媽媽,明年三月我結婚的時候,要請三、四十個朋友來參加舞會。媽媽説我們家太小,叫我別請太多人。 -
4a. The new student from the U.S. is a man.
b. The new student from the U.S. is on the right-hand side of the woman in the photo.
c. It is impossible to figure out from the photo which one is the new student from the U.S.
d. The woman who is talking to the man was wearing blue on the day the photo was taken.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:我们班的照片在桌上,你去看看。
女:我左邊那個是男的啊! -
5a. The man gives Miss Wang flowers in order to thank her for her help.
b. The man asks Miss Wang to give the flowers to the lady next door.
c. The man wants to know what Miss Wang’s telephone number is.
d. The man gives Miss Wang flowers because he wants to ask for a favor.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript王小姐,这束花是我送你的。我不要你感谢我,请你告诉我,住在你家旁边的 张小姐,电话是多少号,好不好?王小姐,這束花是我送你的。我不要你感謝我,請你告訴我,住在你家旁邊的張小姐,電話是多少號,好不好? -
6a. The woman says “thank you” to the man because he says her mom was a beauty when she was young.
b. The woman says “thank you” to the man because he has told her that she is pretty.
c. The picture was taken when the woman’s mom was about 25 years old.
d. The woman does not believe what the man has told her is true.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:这张照片里的這个人是谁?是你吗?
女:真的吗? 谢谢你。男:這張照片裡的這個人是誰?是你嗎?
女:真的嗎? 謝謝你。 -
7a. Meilan considers the car behind her house a better car than the one in front of her house.
b. The car behind the house is the gift Meilan’s husband gave her for her 40th birthday.
c. Meilan’s husband has promised to give her an even better gift when she turns 50.
d. Meilan’s husband gave her two cars, an American car this year and a Japanese car last year.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女1:美兰,你家前边的那辆新车是谁的?
女2:你去我家後邊看看,那兒還有一輛日本車。 -
8a. a librarian (library staff)
b. Chinese newspaper
c. an English-Chinese dictionary
d. a Chinese dictionary
e. a Chinese-English dictionary✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我是美国人,现在在美国的一个大学学中文,我常看中文报纸。今天的新闻里,有几个我不认识的字,请问,我要去图书馆借什么?我是美國人,現在在美國的一個大學學中文,我常看中文報紙。今天的新聞裡,有幾個我不認識的字,請問,我要去圖書館借什麼? -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man was not doing anything else when talking to the woman on phone.
b. When the man called, the woman was watching TV.
c. When the woman called, the man was listening to music.
d. The woman wants to know what the man was doing when she called him.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:你在作什么?
男:我沒在看電視,在聽音樂呢。 -
10a. Someone put two photos on the newspaper that the man wants to read.
b. The man wants to know why those two photos are on his newspaper.
c. The woman was showing the man photos she took while visiting Beijing University.
d. The man wants to know what the news story in the paper is about.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:报上的那两张照片是谁的照片?他们在作什么?