1a. I work at the visa division at the embassy and I had a drink with the new ambassador at the reception.
b. When I arrived at the embassy to apply for my visa, a reception was being held for the new ambassador.
c. I heard that there would be a reception for the new ambassador, who would arrive tomorrow, and I decided that I would go to have a drink with him.
d. I was invited to attend the reception yesterday and I drank a Maotai with the new ambassador.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我去大使馆办签证的时候,在那儿工作的人告诉我,新大使昨天到了,他们正在为他开招待会呢!我听了,也去跟新大使干了一杯茅台。我去大使館辦簽證的時候,在那兒工作的人告訴我,新大使昨天到了,他們正在為他開招待會呢!我聽了,也去跟新大使乾了一杯茅臺。 -
2a. Upon learning that he drank six bottles of beer in one day, Xiao Wang’s wife was upset.
b. Xiao Wang ignored his wife’s objection and drank another bottle of beer stealthily.
c. Xiao Wang’s wife warned him not to drink again while she was asleep.
d. Xiao Wang didn’t get to drink another one before going to bed and was upset because of it.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript昨天上午小王喝了两瓶啤酒,下午又喝了三瓶,晚上他想再喝一瓶,他太太不让他再喝,他很不高兴。太太去睡觉以后,他又喝了一瓶。昨天上午小王喝了兩瓶啤酒,下午又喝了三瓶,晚上他想再喝一瓶,他太太不讓他再喝,他很不高興。太太去睡覺以後,他又喝了一瓶。 -
3a. He arrived before I even got out of bed.
b. I didn’t get up even though he was waiting for me.
c. He left after waiting for me outside my house.
d. I didn’t get up because it was still too early for him to arrive.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript昨天他來得太早了。我还没起床呢,他就在我家外边等我了。昨天他來得太早了。我還沒起床呢,他就在我家外邊等我了。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man plans to get someone else to pack for him so that he wouldn’t miss a soccer game.
b. The man thinks going to soccer games is more important than packing.
c. The woman accuses the man of wasting his time on going to soccer games.
d. The man says he can’t go to soccer games after their departure so he must watch the games now.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:我们下星期出发,你的行李整理得怎么样?
男:行李可以請我媽整理,可是足球賽不能不看。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. Xiao Wang tells the teacher that he is, in fact, not sleeping.
b. Xiao Wang tells the teacher that he went to bed earlier than usual yesterday.
c. Xiao Wang often is caught sleeping in class because he frequently goes to bed late.
d. Xiao Wang admits that he is sleepy because he has a full stomach.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:小王!上课又在睡觉!你昨天晚上一定又睡得很晚,对不对?
男:沒有!我十點就睡了。可是今天午飯吃得太多了,所以現在很想睡覺。 -
6a. The man is going to buy a pair of ice-skating boots for someone who is going to Beijing.
b. The man plans to learn how to ice-skate so that he can go ice-skating upon arriving in Beijing.
c. Winter is coming in about a month. The man and the woman, who are currently in Beijing, plan to go ice-skating after purchasing ice-skating boots.
d. The man plans to learn how to ice-skating upon arriving in Beijing because it is/will be winter there.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:下课以后,一起去商店买冰鞋,怎么样?
男:你不知道嗎?北京冬天可以滑冰。下個月我們到了那兒,可以開始學啊! -
7a. The U.S. team lost because the referee was not fair.
b. The woman was being sarcastic but the man didn’t understand.
c. The U.S. team lost more than once because the referee was always the unfair one.
d. Both the man and the woman rooted for the U.S. team.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:昨天美国队又输了,真气人!
女:沒有。可是你喜歡的球隊輸了,你總説裁判不公平。 -
8a. It’s too hard to eat with chopsticks, so I probably won’t try again.
b. I plan to eat a lot of Chinese food so that I can use chopsticks often.
c. I was the only person that didn’t use chopsticks yesterday at Mr. Li’s dinner party because I didn’t know how.
d. Although eating with chopsticks is hard, I plan to learn it.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我以前不会用筷子。可是昨天我去李先生家吃饭的时候,他太太作的是中国菜,每个人都用筷子,我也试了一下。用筷子吃饭很不容易,我以后一定要常常练习用筷子吃饭。我以前不會用筷子。可是昨天我去李先生家吃飯的時候,他太太作的是中國菜,每個人都用筷子,我也試了一下。用筷子吃飯很不容易,我以後一定要常常練習用筷子吃飯。 -
9a. The woman chooses French food because she likes it better.
b. The woman chooses French food because she does not want to eat with chopsticks.
c. The woman chooses Chinese food because she wants to try eating with chopsticks.
d. The woman chooses Chinese food because she likes it better.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:今天我请你吃晚饭。你喜欢吃中国菜还是法国菜?
女:我喜歡中國菜,可是我們去吃法國菜吧,因為我不會用筷子。 -
10a. The man tells the woman that he went to Wang Dazhong’s place to pick up an extra game ticket, so he didn’t answer the phone when she called.
b. The man tells the woman that Wang Dazhong gave him two tickets, so he went to the game with a friend.
c. The man tells the woman that yesterday’s soccer game was an important one, so he had to go.
d. The man tells the woman that he could not bring himself to upset his friend Wang Dazhong, so he went to the game with him.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:昨天下午我们应该一起去买箱子,可是我给你打电话的时候,你没有接。你在哪儿?