1a. Before I came here, I hadn’t known it was like this, but now I want to come back in the future.
b. This is my first time coming to a place like this. I don’t know whether or not I will come back.
c. This is my first time coming to a place like this, and this will be the only time.
d. I’ve been to places like this before, but I don’t know whether I will come back again.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我以前沒有来过这样的地方,以后也不想再来。我以前沒有來過這樣的地方,以後也不想再來。 -
2a. Knowledge comes from the teacher, so we should learn from the teacher.
b. Health is given by the doctor, so we should heed doctor’s words.
c. Knowledge comes from our own learning, but health comes from doctor’s care.
d. Both knowledge and health must be cultivated by ourselves.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript知识不是从老师那儿来的,要自己努力学习。健康也不是大夫给的, 要自己注意身体。知識不是從老師那兒來的,要自己努力學習。健康也不是大夫給的, 要自己注意身體。 -
3a. Both of them have been to the Great Wall and Beihai.
b. Only one of them has been to the Great Wall.
c. Only one of them has been to Beihai.
d. Both of them have been to the Great Wall.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:我来中国以后,去过两个有名的地方,一个是长城,一个是北海。你呢?
男:我們一起去吧!我也想再去長城看看。 -
4a. Xiao Wang had been here and said he would come back in less than 20 minutes.
b. Xiao Wang is here now and has been waiting for 10-20 minutes.
c. Xiao Wang had been here and he had waited for 10-20 minutes before he left.
d. Xiao Wang has been here for 10-20 minutes and is about to leave.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:小王来了没有?
女:他來過了。可是我告訴他你不在,他等了十幾分鐘以後就走了。 -
5a. Although this is not Mr. Wang’s first time visiting this clinic, he still had to ask people for direction.
b. Mr. Wang is calling to make an appointment to see a doctor at a clinic he has never been before.
c. Mr. Wang had problem finding the clinic because people from whom he asked for help could not give him directions.
d. Mr. Wang’s friends could not tell him whether this clinic has good doctors or not because they hadn’t heard of this place.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:王先生,请坐,你来我们这儿看过大夫沒有?
男:沒有,我在路上問了幾個人,他們都說沒有聽過你們這個醫務所呢! -
6a. Today is the third time I come to this clinic to see Dr. Wang.
b. I saw two doctors last week at this clinic, and Dr. Wang was one of the two.
c. So far, no doctors have been able to diagnose my illness.
d. Dr. Wang is the only doctor that has been able to figure out what (illness) I have.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript这是我第三次来这家医务所看大夫。我希望今天要看的王大夫能告诉我,我得了什么病。上星期看的那两个大夫都不知道我得了什么病。這是我第三次來這家醫務所看大夫。我希望今天要看的王大夫能告訴我,我得了什麽病。上星期看的那兩個大夫都不知道我得了什麽病。 -
7a. I have had three bouts of pneumonia ever since I was born.
b. I had a bout of pneumonia about two weeks ago.
c. I have had two bouts of pneumonia since I was in middle school.
d. I had been healthy until I had the first bout of pneumonia in middle school.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我小时候身体不好,得过两次肺炎。上中学的时候,沒有得过大病。可是,上个月又得了一次肺炎,在家休息了两个多星期。我小時候身體不好,得過兩次肺炎。上中學的時候,沒有得過大病。可是,上個月又得了一次肺炎,在家休息了兩個多星期。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man tells the woman that there is no need for him to read the assigned reading.
b. The man says that he has finished the reading within a week after the teacher has assigned it.
c. The woman tells the man that she has read the book twice.
d. Both the man and the woman have read the book even before the teacher assigned the reading.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:上星期老师叫我们看的那本书,你看了吗?
女:我小時候也看過,可是都忘了,所以上星期又看了一遍。 -
9a. The man tells the woman that he will take care of himself.
b. The man tells the woman that she is too nagging.
c. The man asks the woman how many times she has said the same thing to him.
d. The man tells the woman that he will immediately stop drinking.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:别喝了!你不注意自己的健康,谁会為你注意呢?
男:好了!這樣的話,我聽過幾百遍了! -
The doctor told me
a. not to drive too fast.
b. not to drive after drinking.
c. not to drive.
d. not to drink too much.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript昨天我去检查身体,大夫说我眼睛有一点儿问题,心脏也跳得太快。他叫我别开车,别喝酒,更别吸烟。昨天我去檢查身體,大夫說我眼睛有一點兒問題,心臟也跳得太快。他叫我別開車,別喝酒,更別吸烟。