1a. I was well-prepared for the test, so I did well even though it was difficult.
b. I spent an entire week studying for the test so I did well although the test was difficult.
c. Although the test was not too difficult, I did poorly because I didn’t spent long enough studying for it.
d. Although I studied for the test for a long time, I did poorly because it was difficult.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript上星期的考试我准备了很长时间,可是问题太难了,所以我考得很差。上星期的考試我準備了很長時間,可是問題太難了,所以我考得很差。 -
2a. I plan to study as hard for the next test so that I can do much better.
b. I plan to study even harder so that I can do a little better next time.
c. I plan to study as hard so that I can do even better next time.
d. I plan to study even harder because I must do better next time.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript下星期的考试,我一定要更好地准备,我想一定可以考得好一点。下星期的考試,我一定要更好地準備,我想一定可以考得好一點。 -
3a. After I have studied Chinese for a semester, my mom says I should go to China to teach Englis.
b. My mom thinks I should study Chinese before going to China, but I want to do the opposite.
c. I have been to China before, and my mom says that I should study Chinese first and then go back to teach English.
d. I taught English in China before. Now that I have started to study Chinese, I want to go back.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript妈妈说我应该先学一学期中文再去中国。可是我想先去中国教一学期英文,再开始学中文。媽媽說我應該先學一學期中文再去中國。可是我想先去中國教一學期英文,再開始學中文。 -
4a. Neither the man nor the woman knows exactly what Xiao Wang’s major is.
b. The man does not know what Xiao Wang’s major is, but the woman does.
c. The woman knows what Xiao Wang’s major is, but she does not want to tell.
d. Xiao Wang’s major is English.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:小王的专业是什么?
女:我知道他是外語系的學生。他的專業是什麽,我也不清楚。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man is drinking and the woman reminds him that his doctor has told him not to drink.
b. The man is about to drink and the woman reminds him that his doctor has told him to drink less.
c. The woman complains that the man drinks too much, and the man complains that the woman is nagging.
d. The man is going to go ahead and drink one because his doctor did not say that he absolutely cannot drink.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:你的身体不好,大夫叫你少喝酒,你忘了吗?
男:好了,我還沒開始喝呢,你就不停地說這些我不愛聽的話。我喝了這杯就不喝了。 -
Which of the following is NOT implied in the dialogue?
a. The man wonders why all his Chinese friends are the only children in their families.
b. The man is curious as to why Chinese families seem so different.
c. The woman tells the man not to try to understand this particular situation in China.
d. The man has never been to China before so he does not understand its society.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:真奇怪,我的中国朋友都没有哥哥弟弟或者姐姐妹妹。
女:這是你第一次來中國吧!所以你不瞭解這個國家的情况。在中國,一家一個孩子,是正常的。 -
7a. I make a lot of money now and I have become friends with many Chinese.
b. Although I am in China, my Chinese is worse than before.
c. I have not made improvement in my Chinese although I make more money.
d. I make a lot of money in China but have no friends here.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我来中国工作以前,认识很多中国朋友,所以中国话说得很不错。来中国以后,我的中文没有进步,因为公司里的人都会说英文,所以我挣的钱多了,可是说中国话的机会少了。我來中國工作以前,認識很多中國朋友,所以中國話說得很不錯。來中國以後,我的中文沒有進步,因為公司裏的人都會說英文,所以我掙的錢多了,可是說中國話的機會少了。 -
8a. My parents have been laid off, so I have to work when summer comes.
b. My parents’ company has not been doing well, so they want me to go to work for them during summer.
c. Summer is already here, but I have not found a summer job. So I plan to go overseas before school starts.
d. Summer is coming soon. My parents’ company needs a sales clerk, so I will work there during summer to make some money.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript快放暑假了,每年暑假我都到外国玩,可是最近我爸妈工作的公司营业情况都很差,所以爸妈都没有工作了,他们叫我去找一个工作,自己挣一些钱,开学以后用。快放暑假了,每年暑假我都到外國玩,可是最近我爸媽工作的公司營業情况都很差,所以爸媽都沒有工作了,他們叫我去找一個工作,自己掙一些錢,開學以後用。 -
9a. Xiao Zhong is going to be late for class, but he does not seem to be worried.
b. Xiao Zhong’s mom is curious as to why Xiao Zhong is not going to class.
c. Xiao Zhong’s mom is upset because Xiao Zhong is not going to class today.
d. Xiao Zhong’s mom wants to know what time Xiao Zhong’s class starts.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript妈妈进了厨房,一看小中还坐着吃早饭,就着急地说:“你看看,现在几点了?你不去上课了吗?”小中慢慢地说:“我再喝一杯咖啡就去。”媽媽進了厨房,一看小中還坐著吃早飯,就著急地說:“你看看,現在幾點了?你不去上課了嗎?”小中慢慢地說:“我再喝一杯咖啡就去。” -
10a. Xiao Ming did not study for the test, so he did poorly.
b. Xiao Ming is among many students that did poorly in the test.
c. Xiao Ming is among many students that did not study for the test.
d. Xiao Ming is among many students who studied but who still did poorly.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:小明,你这次考试为什么又考得不好?你又没有好好地准备,对不对?