1a. Porcelain produced in Tangshan is inferior in quality than porcelain produced in Jingdezhen.
b. Porcelain produced in Tangshan is not as expensive as porcelain produced in Jingdezhen.
c. Tangshan is not as famous as Jingdezhen in terms of porcelain production.
d. Porcelain produced in Jingdezhen is not necessarily better than porcelain produced in Tangshan.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript唐山生产的瓷器,质量不比景德镇的差,可是因为景德镇比唐山有名,所以景德镇生产的瓷器比唐山的贵。唐山生産的瓷器,質量不比景德鎮的差,可是因為景德鎮比唐山有名,所以景德鎮生産的瓷器比唐山的貴。 -
2a. Winter last year was not cold, but summer was hot.
b. Winter this year is a little colder than last year’s, but summer this year was much hotter.
c. Winters this year and last year are both quite cold, but summer last year was hotter than this year.
d. Winters this year and last year are both mild, but both years’ summers were hot.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript今年冬天比去年更冷,可是夏天没有去年热。今年冬天比去年更冷,可是夏天沒有去年熱。 -
3a. Although I study harder than Xiao Li, his test scores are always higher than mine.
b. Because I haven’t study as hard as Xaio Li, I have not done as well as he has in tests.
c. Xiao Li had always done better than I in tests, but I did even better last time because I studied harder than he did.
d. I plan to study even harder so that I can do better than Xiao Li in the test next time.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript小李学习得不比我认真,可是他考试的成绩总是比我好。下次考试,我要更认真地准备,我希望能考得比他更好。小李學習得不比我認真,可是他考試的成績總是比我好。下次考試,我要更認真地準備,我希望能考得比他更好。 -
4a. The more tea cups, the more expensive the tea set.
b. The thinner the tea set, the less expensive it is.
c. The more flowers painted on it, the more expensive the tea set.
d. None of the above.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript女:这套茶具六个茶碗,那套只有四个,上边画的都是花儿,这套为什么比那套贵呢?
男:因為這套比那套薄。 -
5a. As long as the price is cheap, I would buy it even thought the quality may not be so good.
b. If the quality is not good, I would not buy it even if it is cheap.
c. I feel that it is possible to purchase merchandise of good quality at cheap prices.
d. I pay equal attention to price and quality, but I frequently end up buying expensive merchandise of poor quality.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript我买东西的时候,价钱跟质量,都会注意,可是我总觉得价钱便宜的东西,质量常常也很差,所以我很少买质量不好的便宜货。我買東西的時候,價錢跟質量,都會注意,可是我總覺得價錢便宜的東西,質量常常也很差,所以我很少買質量不好的便宜貨。 -
6a. $0.72
b. $3.00
c. $3.72
d. $3.90✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript昨天我买了两套明信片,一套六块二,一套十块〇八分,我给售货员两张十块,请问他应该找我多少钱?昨天我買了兩套明信片,一套六塊二,一套十塊〇八分,我給售貨員兩張十塊,請問他應該找我多少錢? -
7a. Xiao Lan spent $50.
b. I spent over $200 more than Xiao Lan.
c. Together we spent over $500.
d. I spent a little over $200 and Xiao Lan spent about $100.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript昨天我跟小兰一起去百货公司买东西,我们一共花了快三百。我一个人就花了两百五。昨天我跟小蘭一起去百貨公司買東西,我們一共花了快三百。我一個人就花了兩百五。 -
From the Chinese perspective,“Hua She Tian Zu” implies
a. Less is more.
b. More is less.
c. Haste makes waste.
d. The tortoise beats the hare.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript“画蛇添足”是一句有名的中国成语。这句成语告诉我们,“多”不总是一件好事,“太多”不合适的东西有时候比“没有”更差。“畫蛇添足”是一句有名的中國成語。這句成語告訴我們,“多”不總是一件好事,“太多”不合適的東西有時候比“沒有”更差。 -
9a. $115.05
b. $127.75
c. $128.56
d. $133.15✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript今天我去百货公司买了三套茶具,每套九块零五,还买了一件一百零六块的大衣,请问,我一共花了多少钱?今天我去百貨公司買了三套茶具,每套九塊零五,還買了一件一百零六塊的大衣,請問,我一共花了多少錢? -
10a. Jade greener than spring leaves is of higher quality than white color jade.
b. Jade whiter than winter snow is of higher quality than green color jade.
c. Green jade is pretty but generally of poor quality.
d. Both green and white jade are of high quality but green jade is considered prettier.✓ Correct! Go on to the next question.
Show/Hide Simplified Chinese transcript | Show/Hide Traditional Chinese transcript男:那种玉比春天的树叶更绿,这种有那种好吗?