constitution day date
About This Site

This site was produced by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services and the Department of Government at The University of Texas at Austin. Special thanks to William Powers, Bruce Buchanan, Gretchen Ritter, and Sean Theriault for their participation.

Project Director James Henson, Associate Director
Liberal Arts ITS
Video Production
& Editing
Daniel Garza
Laura Welch
Audio Production Michael Heidenreich
Sean Neesley
Web Design
& Production
Laura Welch
Marissa Kopatic
Suloni Robertson
Cristina Escutia
Executive Producer Joseph TenBarge, Assistant Dean, Research and Instructional Support
College of Liberal Arts

For more information about the University of Texas at Austin's Constitution Day efforts, please contact James Henson.

For more information about the federal Constitution Day requirment, please see the Federal Register.
Federal Register: http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/other/2005-2/052405b.html