Recent News

November 2022

G-FOL publishes new frames: Body descriptions, Thinking: Certainty, and Vehicle

Recent News

August 2022

Hans C. Boas and Maggie Hudson Gemmell present at the 17th. International Conference of German Teachers in Vienna, Austria: Guten Tag! Hallo! Moinsen! Servus!

Recent News

June 2022

G-FOL publishes new frame: Body parts.


G-FOL publishes new frames: Body descriptions, Thinking: Certainty, and Vehicle
G-FOL presentation by Hans C. Boas and Maggie Hudson Gemmell at the 17th. International Conference of German Teachers in Vienna, Austria: “Guten Tag! Hallo! Moinsen! Servus! Wortschatzvermittlung von Begrüßungsformeln mit dem German Frame-based Online Lexicon (G-FOL)”
JUNE 2022
G-FOL publishes new frame: Body parts.
MAY 2022
G-FOL published new frame: Family and Relatives
New G-FOL Publication: Boas, Hans C. (ed.), Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. x+365.

New G-FOL Publication: Gemmell, Maggie. Teaching Second Year German Using Frames and Constructions. 2022. In H.C. Boas (ed.). Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar: Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, 265-304. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

New G-FOL Publication: Boas, Hans C. From Construction Grammar(s) to Pedagogical Construction Grammar. In H.C. Boas (ed.), Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, 3-43. Berlin/ Boston: De Gruyter.
G-FOL publishes new frames: Clothing and Clothing Accessoires
G-FOL publishes new frame: Character Traits: Negative
Hans C. Boas presents an invited talk at the Center for Lexicographical Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (P.R. China) (Online via Zoom): "The structure of multilingual FrameNets and Constructicons."

Hans C. Boas presents an invited talk at the Center for Lexicographical Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (P.R. China) (Online via Zoom): "Using semantic frames for building online learners' dictionaries."
New Publication relevant for G-FOL design: Boas, Hans C. Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics. In X. Wen and R.J. Taylor (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. New York/London: Routledge. 43-77.
JUNE 2021
Hans C. Boas and Maggie Gemmell Hudson present a talk: “Interactional frames in the German Frame-semantic Online Lexicon (G-FOL).” Presentation at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland (held virtually because of COVID-19 pandemic).
New G-FOL Publication: Lorenz, Alexander, Crane, Cori, Benjamins, John, and Hans C. Boas. L2 German Learners’ Perceptions and Use of an Online Semantic Frame-Based Dictionary. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 53.2, 191-209.

Hans C. Boas presents a Virtual Lecture over Zoom for the members of the Korean Society for the Didactics of German Language and Literature. Seoul National University, South Korea: „Von der Theorie zur Anwendung: Das German Frame-based Online Lexicon (G-FOL).“
New feature of G-FOL available: Online learning and teaching materials, see here:
MARCH 2020
New Publication relevant for G-FOL design: Boas, Hans C. A roadmap for determining the universal status of semantic frames. In R. Enghels, B. Defrancq, and M. Jansegers (eds.), New Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 21-52.
New publication relevant for G-FOL learners: Boas, Hans C., Lyngfelt, Benjamin, and Tiago Timponi Torrent. Framing Constructicography. Lexicographica 35.1, 41-95.
Hans C. Boas presents an invited plenary talk at the Semi-annual meeting of the Korean Society for the Didactics of German Literature and Language. Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea: “Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Zweitspracherwerb aus konstruktionsgrammatischer und konstruktikographischer Perspektive.”

Hans C. Boas presents an invited plenary talk at the The 21st Korean Language Education Research Institute International Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea: “Tradition and Innovation in Native Language Acquisition Education.”

Hans C. Boas presents an invited talk at the English Department, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea: “The syntax-semantics interface: A view from Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics.”
MAY 2019
GFN/G-FOL member John Benjamin graduates with his Ph.D. in Germanic Studies at UT (title of dissertation: Reading the German Graphic Novel: Understanding Learners’ Readings of Multimodal Literary Comics). Congratulations John!!!
APRIL 2019
New publication relevant for design of G-FOL entries (grammatical information): Boas, Hans C. Zur methodologischen Grundlage der empirischen Konstruktikographie. In D. Czicza, V. Dekalo, and G. Diewald (eds.), Konstruktionsgrammatik VI. Varianz in der konstruktionalen Schematizität, 237-263. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
JULY 2018
New publication relevant for the treatment of German grammar in GFN and G-FOL: Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem. Approaching German syntax from a constructionist perspective. In Boas, H.C. & A. Ziem (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German, 1–46. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
MAY 2018
GFN/G-FOL member Alexander Lorenz graduates with his Ph.D. in Germanic Studies at UT (title of dissertation: Beliefs about grammar instruction among post-secondary second-language learners and teachers) Congratulations Alexander!
APRIL 2018
New publication relevant for structure of G-FOL: Boas, Hans C. Zur Klassifizierung von Konstruktionen zwischen ‘Lexikon’ und ‘Grammatik.’ In S. Engelberg, H. Lobin, K. Steyer, and S. Wolfer (eds.), Wortschätze. Dynamik, Muster, Komplexität, 33–50. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
New G-FOL Publication: Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. “From the past into the present: From case frames to semantic frames. Linguistics Vanguard 2017, 1–14. DOI: 10.1515/lingvan-2016-0003.
Hans C. Boas presents a lecture at the Liberal Arts Honors Seminar at The University of Texas at Austin: “Foreign Languages and Linguistics.”
September 2017
Ryan Dux (GFN alumn, UT Ph.D. 2016) begins his year-long postdoctoral Mellon-Volkswagen Foundation fellowship at the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, Germany. Congratulations Ryan!
August 2017
Hans C. Boas and Alexander Ziem present a plenary lecture "Two sides of the same coin: A constructional approach to phraseological patterns" at the 2017 EUROPHRAS conference "Phraseology and Construction Grammar" in Stockholm, Sweden.
July 2017
Members of the GFN team are organizing the conference Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy 3 (CALP 3) at the University of Texas at Austin, February 15-17, 2017. The call for papers can be found here.
June 2017
New publication by Hans C. Boas: Computational Resources: FrameNet and Constructicon. In B. Dancygier (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 549-573. [ PDF ]

Karen Ewing, a lecturer in Germanic Studies at UT Austin, joins the G-FOL team.

May 2017
Annika VanNoy graduates with her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin: "Culture Specific Aspects of Semantic Frames in Multilingual Frame Descriptions." Congratulations Annika!

Hans C. Boas presents a series of ten lectures on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar at the Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Prof. Jian Liu from Dalian University (P.R. China) begins his research stay at German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.

April 2017
New publication by Alexander Ziem and Hans C. Boas: Towards a Constructicon for German. In: Proceedings of the AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding. Technical Report SS-17-02, Stanford University. 274-277. [PDF]

Hans C. Boas presents an informal lecture at Sichuan University in Chengdu, P.R. China: "Conducting research in Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics."

Oliver Czulo starts his new position as full professor of translation studies at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Congratulations Oliver !!!

March 2017
Hans C. Boas presents a plenary lecture "Zur Klassifizierung von Konstruktionen zwischen 'Lexikon' und 'Grammatik'" at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for the German Language, Mannheim, Germany.

Alexander Ziem and Hans C. Boas present a paper on the German Constructicon at the meeting of the Multilingual FrameNet group at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California.

Alexander Ziem and Hans C. Boas present a lecture "Toward a constructicon for German" at the 2017 Spring Colloquium of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

February 2017
Chen Yun, a Ph.D. candidate from Sichuan University (P.R. China), begins her research stay at German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.
December 2016
First meeting of the German Constructicon working group at the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, involving Hans C. Boas (The University of Texas at Austin), Oliver Czulo (University of Mainz / University of Leipzig), Alexander Lasch (University of Kiel / University of Dresden), Josef Ruppenhofer (IDS Mannheim), Thomas Schmidt (IDS Mannheim), Alexander Ziem (University of Duesseldorf).
November 2016
Prof. Benjamin Lyngfelt (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) visits GFN to present a talk on the Swedish Constructicon: "Relations between constructions: network structures and combinatory mechanisms."

Prof. Thomas Herbst (University of Erlangen, Germany) visits GFN to present a talk on constructions: "Valency vs. Constructions."

September 2016
New publication by Hans C. Boas: Frames and constructions for the study of oral poetics. In M. Antovic and C. Pagan Canovas (eds.), Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, 99-124. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Maggie Gemmell (UT Ph.D. 2016) begins her job as German instructor at Southern Oregon University. Congratulations Maggie!!!

The FrameNet project at the International Computer Science Institute receives a 3-year grant from the NSF to collaborate with various other research teams to create a multi-lingual FrameNet infrastructure. German FrameNet is part of of this effort.

Dr. Katharina Mucha (University of Paderborn, Germany) begins her research stay at German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.

Prof. Shen Lei (Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, P.R. China) begins her research stay at German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.

Prof. Katsuya Fujikawa (University of Toyama, Japan) begins his research stay at German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.

August 2016
Ryan Dux (UT Ph.D. 2016) starts his one-year position as Visiting Assistant Professor of German and Linguistics at Bucknell University. Congratulations Ryan!!!
June 2016
GFN/ G-FOL presentation at the conference "Constructional Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2" at the University of Basel, Switzerland, June 10-11, 2016: "Time expressions between lexicon and syntax: Implications for foreign language teaching." (Alexander Ziem and Hans C. Boas)

The German Frame-based Online Lexicon: URL ( now covers more than 330 lexical units in 9 frames.

Oliver Čulo (University of Mainz) joins GFN to collaborate on building a constructicon in combination with G-FOL.

May 2016
Ryan Dux graduates with his Ph.D. in Germanic Studies, the title of his dissertation is A usage-based approach to verb classes in English and German. Congratulations Ryan!

A new publication: Boas, Hans C., Dux, Ryan, and Alexander Ziem. 2016. Frames and Constructions in a German-English online learner's dictionary. In: de Knop, Sabine / Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (eds.): Applied Construction Grammar. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Two new graduate students, John Benjamins and Alexander Lorenz, join German FrameNet, conducting research on G-FOL and creating new lexical entries.

April 2016
New instructional video on how to use G-FOL goes online, see (

Hans C. Boas gives an invited plenary talk at the 52th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society on "What you see is not what you get: A frame-semantic analysis of the meaning of absent words.""

March 2016
Ryan Dux successful defends his dissertation A usage-based approach to verb classes in English and German. Congratulations Ryan!
February 2016
Two new visiting scholars from China join GFN at the Linguistics Research Center/ Germanic Studies: Tang Ruiliang and Wang Qian join German FrameNet at the Linguistics Research Center.
August 2015
Two visiting scholars from China join us for conducting research on contrastive Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics: Gan Qingfeng (Shanghai University) and Liu Qi (Hangzhou Dianzi University).
July 2015
Presentation by Hans Boas at the International Workshop Categories in Grammar - Criteria and Limitations, Free University of Berlin, Germany: Deep cases and frame elements at the syntax-semantics interface.
June 2015
Presentation by Hans Boas at the International Workshop Categories in Grammar - Criteria and Limitations, Free University of Berlin, Germany: Deep cases and frame elements at the syntax-semantics interface.

Presentation by Hans Boas at the Internationales Kolloquium Chunks, Muster, Phrasemkonstruktionen, Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim Germany: Konstruktionen, Frames und Island Constraints.

Presentation by Hans Boas and Alexander Ziem at the International Workshop on Contrastive Constructicons, University of Erlangen, Germany: Towards a contrastive constructicon: Issues, methods, and case studies.

May 2015
Maggie Gemmell graduates with her Ph.D., the title of her dissertation is "Semantic role alignment in metaphor: A frame semantic approach to metaphoric meaning." Congratulations Maggie!

Presentation by Hans Boas at the University of Jena, Germany: What happens when constructions and lexical entries meet?

Presentation by Hans Boas at the 21st Germanic Linguistics Association Conference, Provo, Utah: A constructional approach to Texas German mit ('with').

Presentation by Hans Boas, Ryan Dux, Maggie Gemmell, and Annika VanNoy at the 21st Germanic Linguistics Association Conference, Provo, Utah: Using the German Frame-based Online Dictionary for teaching vocabulary.

March 2015
Dr. Collin Baker (FrameNet, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley) visits German FrameNet to give a talk: Frame Semantics beyond events, beyond English.

Visiting scholar Anna Shadrova (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany), visits German FrameNet to conduct dissertation research.

February 2015
Dr. Oliver Culo (University of Mainz, Germany) visits German FrameNet to give a talk: First insights on the challenges and potentials of using parallel corpora for the extraction of a German-English constructicon.
November 2014
Dr. Karen Madlener (University of Basel, Switzerland) visits German FrameNet to give two talks: (1) A constructionist approach to incidental second language learning in the classroom. (2) Evaluating discourse competence in mono- and bilingual children: A usage-based perspective on acquisition and diagnostics.
October 2014
Presentation by Ryan Dux at the 15th Texas Linguistic Society Conference: A frame-semantic approach to verbal valency patterns.

Dr. Francisco Gonzalvez-Garcia (University of Almeria, Spain) visits German FrameNet and presents a talk: Bringing together the clausal and textual functions of subjective meaning: The case of passive secondary predication with verba cogitandi et dicendi in Spanish.

September 2014
Hans Boas co-organizes a workshop on Construction Grammar and Language contact, together with Steffen Höder (University of Kiel, Germany). The workshop was a part of the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar in Osnabrück, Germany.

Publication of a new book on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Boas, Hans C. and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.), 2014. Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. x + 326.

Publication of a new article on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Boas, Hans C. and Francisco Gonzálvez-García. 2014. "Applying constructional concepts to Romance languages." In: H.C. Boas and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.), Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1-36.

Plenary talk by Hans Boas at the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Osnabrueck, Germany: What happened to Frame Semantics?

Presentation by Ryan Dux at the 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Osnabrueck, Germany: Uniformity and idiosyncrasy in verb classes: A frame-semantic account of English Change verbs.

August 2014
Three visiting scholars from China join German FrameNet for the academic year to research Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Guo Xia (Sichuan University), He Jianing (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies), and Li Shuguang (Nanjing Normal University).
June 2014
Hans Boas co-organizes (with Stefan Engelberg and Kristel Proost) a workshop on verb classes and valency at the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, Germany.

Publication of a new article on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Boas, Hans C. 2014. "Lexical and phrasal approaches to argument structure: Two sides of the same coin." Theoretical Linguistics 40(1-2), 89-112.

May 2014
Dux, Ryan. 2014. Near-synonymous verbs with non-uniform syntax: Change verbs in English and German. Presentation at the 20th Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC-20), Purdue University, Indiana.

Publication of a new article on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Ziem, Alexander, Boas, Hans C., and Josef Ruppenhofer. 2014. "Grammatische Konstruktionen und semantische Frames für die Textanalyse."" In: J. Hagemann and S. Staffeldt (eds.),Syntaxtheorien. Analysen im Vergleich. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 297-333.

April 2014
Publication of a new article on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar: Boas, Hans C. (2014): Zur Architektur einer konstruktionsbasierten Grammatik des Deutschen. In: Lasch, Alexander & Ziem, Alexander (Hrsg.): Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen. Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik (= Sprache und Wissen 15). Berlin: de Gruyter, 37-63.
March 2014
Miriam Petruck from FrameNet at ICSI, Berkeley, CA, visits German FrameNet to give a talk on the Berkeley FrameNet project, and to discuss academic cooperation.

The Department of Germanic Studies at UT Austin starts official academic cooperation with the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, Germany. One major research focus of this cooperation is Frame Semantics, specifically contrastive lexicography and Construction Grammar.

Presentation by Maggie Gemmell at the Annual Graduate Student Conference on Meaning, UT Austin: Defining formality levels: Cultural scripts as a guide to the formality scale of register.

Presentation by Hans Boas at the Annual Graduate Student Conference on Meaning, UT Austin: Constructing parallel lexicon fragments based on English FrameNet entries: Semantic and syntactic issues.

February 2014
Karin Heppin from Swedish FrameNet (University of Gothenburg) visits German FrameNet at UT Austin to give a talk on Swedish FrameNet and to discuss the structure of multilingual FrameNets.
January 2014
Hans C. Boas teaches graduate seminar on Frame Semantics at the University of Texas at Austin.
December 2013
Annika Vannoy defends her dissertation prospectus on culturally specific aspects of semantic frames.

Dr. Alexander Ziem (University of Duessel-dorf, Int'l. Comp Sci Institute, Berkeley) visits German FrameNet to present two talks and collaborate on various research initiatives.

October 2013
Redesign of German frame-based online Lexicon (G-FOL) complete. Click here.
September 2013
Ryan Dux returns from his one-year long Fulbright research stay at the University of Duesseldorf.
Dean Randy Diehl appoints Hans C. Boas to the Raymond Dickson, Alton C. Allen, and Dillon Anderson Centennial Professorship in the College of Liberal Arts at UT.
August 2013
Anja Moehring completes her dissertation on "Argument marking with prepositions in German."
July 2013
Hans Boas and Ryan Dux present a paper on semantic roles at workshop at IDS Mannheim.
March 2013
Ryan Dux presents paper at the annual meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS)
January 2013
Hans C. Boas presents plenary lecture at the Conference on Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies: "Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar."
December 2013
Publication of article: "The FrameNet approach to relating syntax and semantics." Josef Ruppenhofer, Hans C. Boas, and Collin Baker. In: HSK-Volume Dictionaries, Supplementary Volume 5.4, Ed. by R.H. Grouws, U. Heid, W. Schweickard, and H.E. Wiegand, 1320-1329. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter/Mouton.
November 2012
Ryan Dux successfully defends his dissertation prospectus on "The structure of English verb classes and their applicability to German." University of Texas at Austin.
October 2012
Testing of redesign of G-FOL for vocabulary learning begins. Click here for the current version.
September 2012
Hans C. Boas presents plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Linguistics of Germany (Erlangen, Germany): "Wie viel Wissen steckt in Woerterbuechern? Eine frame-semantische Perspektive." (How much knowledge is there in dictionaries? A frame-semantic perspective).

Ryan Dux begins his Fulbright dissertation fellowship at the University of Duesseldorf.

May 2012
Redesign of German Frame-semantic Online Dictionary (G-FOL) for vocabulary learning begins. Click here for the current version.
March 2012
Ryan Dux presents "Bringing Linguistics to the Language Classroom: Using Frame Semantics for Vocabulary Acquisition" at the Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable. Berkeley, CA.

Ryan Dux presents "The German Frame-based Dictionary" at the conference Not Your Grandma’s German(ic Language) Class: Language, Literature, and Culture in 21st Century Education. Austin, TX.

September 2011
Hans Boas presents invited plenary lecture "Constructing parallel lexicon fragments based on English FrameNet entries: Semantic and syntactic issues" at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) in Hamburg, Germany.
August 2011
German FrameNet conducts pilot study using Personal Relationship frame for vocabulary teaching in lower division German classes.
April 2011
Guido Halder successfully defends his dissertation "A frame-semantic approach to German support verb constructions."

Ryan Dux successfully defends his M.A. thesis "A frame-semantic analysis of five English verbs evoking the Theft frame."

March 2011
Judith Atzler successfully defends her dissertation "Twist in the List: Frame Semantics as a Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Tool."
September 2010
German FrameNet receives funding through a Title VI grant #P229A100014 to fund the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning at The University of Texas at Austin. The goal is to construct a series of parallel lexicon fragments based on FrameNet frames for English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Yoruba, and Chinese, among other languages.
August 2010
Alba Luzondo and Nuria Del Campo Martínez, two visiting Ph.D. students from the University of La Rioja (Spain), are spending the Fall 2010 semester with German FrameNet at UT Austin to conduct research on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar.
January 2010
Anderson Bertoldi (UNISONOS, Brazil) to research frame-semantic principles for constructing bilingual lexicon fragments English-Portuguese.
January 2009
Rove Chishman, Associate Professor in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lingüística Aplicada at Unisinos, Brazil, spends a semester with the GFN team to research frame-semantic principles of multi-lingual lexicography.
June 2008
Hans C. Boas teaches in the National Ph.D. summer course "Expanding Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics" at the University of Bergen, Norway. Click here for the website
April 2008
Guido Halder begins his dissertation "A frame-semantic approach to German and English support verb constructions"
January 2008
Hans C. Boas offers graduate seminar "Contrastive Lexical Semantics" at UT, using GFN data to demonstrate cross-linguistic applicability of semantic frames
September 2006
Han-Chun Huang, a Ph.D. student at the National Tsung Hua University, Taiwan, begins his one-year long research stay with the German FrameNet team to study the Frame Semantics of resultatives in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and Hakka
August 2006
Preliminary tagging of German corpus and implementation of Berkeley FrameNet pipeline. See for updates.
January 2006
~FAST Tex grant for implementation of German FrameNet, Center for Instructional Technologies, UT Austin
November 2005
Aquisition of German corpus and lexicon for annotation purposes
July 2005
Successful download and installation of Berkley FrameNet database
March 2005
Begin of computation implementation of German FrameNet
January 2005
~FAST Tex grant for implementation of German FrameNet, Center for Instructional Technologies, UT Austin
October 2004
GFN-presentation at the First Cross-linguistic FrameNet Meeting, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA: "Semantic Frames as an Interlanguage for Multilingual Lexical Databases"

Last updated November 2022

Department of Germanic Studies College of Liberal Arts The University of Texas at Austin
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