
1. De Piedras Negras Coahuila

salieron una mañana

Adelante de Eagle Pass

la Inmigración los paraban

De Laredo era Julián

Margarita de Tijuana


2. Traían un contrabando

de el polvo tan vendido

Margarita en su peinado

allí lo trae escondido

-Vamos del luna de miel

A San Antonio querido


3. Margarita sospechaba

que Julián no la quería

Porque a veces comentaba

que una novia tenía

Y que juntando un plata

con ella se casaría


4. Veinte mil dólares dieron

cuando encontraron la carga

Julián guardó aquél dinero

y enpuñando su pistola

--Yo me voy para Laredo

y ya tu presencia me estorba-


5. Levantando su pistola

le apuntava al corazón

Margarita de su bolsa

le enseñaba un cargador

--Yo descargué tu pistola

presentía tu traición.


6. Sonaron cuatro balazos

Julián bien muerto cayó

Y aquel baco de billetes

Margarita se llevó

Por tener cuentas pendientes

a Tijuana no volvió

1. From Piedras Negras Coahuila

they went out one morning

Before Eagle Pass

Imigration officials stopped them

Julián was from Laredo

Margarita was from Tijuana


2. They had a stash

of that widely sold powder

In Margarita's hair-do

she had it hidden

"Let's go from the honey moon

to San Antonio love."


3. Margarita suspected

that Julián did not love her

Because at times he commented

that he had a girlfriend

And that collecting a silver

with her he'd get married


4. Twenty thousand dollars were given

when they encountered the load

Julián put away that money

and taking out his pistol said,

"I'm going to Laredo

and now you are in my way."


5. He lifted his pistol

and pointed it at her heart

Margarita from her bag

showed him the clip

"I unloaded your pistol

and anticipated your treason."


6. Four gun shots sounded

Julián fell dead

And that wad of bills

Margarita took them

For having pending accounts

she never returned to Tijuana

"Margarita" was one of the many songs released after the enormous success of
"Contrabando y traición." The stories of these new women protagonists are
very similar to those of Camelia la Tejana.

Contrabando y Traición
Ya Encontraron a Camelia
El Hijo de Camelia
Juana Collares
Las Monjitas
La Chacalosa