1-3 Adjectival Nouns


1-3-1 Adjectival Nouns

Using「不思議な」as an example, we present the conjugated forms of adjectival nouns.

Table 1 Conjugated Forms of「不思議な」
Conjecture 不思議‐やろう ●●●‐●○○
Conjunctive 不思議‐に ●●●‐●
不思議‐で ●●●‐●
Past (Perfect) 不思議‐やった ●●●‐○○○
Predicate 不思議‐や ●●●‐○
Attributive 不思議‐な ●●●‐○
不思議‐や ●●●‐○
Hypothetical 不思議‐なら ●●●‐○○
不思議‐やったら ●●●‐○○○○

Excepting the attributive form, there are no great differences with the standard dialect.

For the attributive form, inflections「な」and「や」both exist, and their aspects differ with the standard dialect.

Regarding the proper use of「や」&「な」,

  1. Before nouns,「な」, e.g.:「不思議なこと・不思議な人」
  2. Before「ので」, both, e.g.:「不思議やので」「不思議なんで」
  3. Before「のに」,「や」, e.g:「不思議やのに」
  4. Before particles,「や」, e.g.「不思議やなあ」「不思議やで」
  5. Before auxiliary verbs,「な」, e.g.:「不思議なようや」「不思議ならしい」「不思議なそうや」

N.B.: In the standard dialect, 「らしい」and「そうや」are affixed directly to the stem, but in Kyoto「な」is affixed in between.

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