Subordinating conjunctions introduce subordinate, or dependent, clauses. The most commonly used are que (that),
pendant que (as, while), quand / lorsque (when),
depuis que (since, indicating time), tandis que (while, whereas) puisque (since),
parce que (because).

Il est évident que Trey est un curieux personnage. |
It is evident that Trey is a curious character. |
Trey et Tex sont tous les deux des artistes, mais tandis que Tex est poète, Trey est musicien. |
Trey and Tex are both artists, but while Tex is a poet, Trey is a musician. |
Depuis que Tex connaît Trey, il a découvert le monde du rap. |
Since Tex has known Trey, he has discovered the world of rap. |
Trey se lève quand le soleil se couche. Il travaille pendant que Tex dort. |
Trey gets up when the sun goes down. He works while Tex is alseep. |
Puisque Tex et Trey sont frères et artistes, ils devraient se comprendre. Mais ce n'est pas le cas. |
Since Tex and Trey are brothers and artists, they should understand each other. But this is not case. |
Some of these conjunctions may occur with other tenses besides the present, including the future,
conditional, and imperfect. There are other conjunctions which require the subjunctive.
