Verbs with infinitives ending in -re form a third group of regular verbs, often called 'third conjugation' verbs.
To form the present tense conjugations of these verbs, drop the -re from the infinitive and add the third conjugation endings
(-s, -s, -, -ons,
-ez,-ent) to the resulting stem.
As you listen, note especially that the final -d and -ds in the singular forms are silent.
In the third person plural the 'd' consonant sound of the stem is pronounced because of the -ent ending.
Can you hear the difference in the pronunciation of the singular and plural forms of the third person? (il vs. ils)

descendre 'to go down' |
je descends |
nous descendons |
tu descends |
vous descendez |
il/elle/on descend |
ils/elles descendent |
past participle: descendu |

Here is a list of common regular -re verbs:

attendre, to wait for |
rendre, to hand in, give back |
dépendre de, to depend (on) |
rendre visite à quelqu'un, to visit someone |
entendre, to hear |
répondre, to answer, respond |
pendre, to hang |
vendre, to sell |
perdre, to lose |
Not all verbs ending in -re follow this pattern, however.
Irregular -re verbs include prendre,
mettre, suivre and vivre.

Un flic descend la rue. Tex panique et file. |
A cop is coming down the street. Tex panics and runs off. |
Agent de police: Attendez! Attendez ... Monsieur, vous vendez des T-shirts? |
Policeman: Wait! Wait...Sir, are you selling t-shirts? |
Tex répond: Euh, oui, monsieur l'agent. |
Tex answers, "Yes, sir." |
Agent de police: Vous n'avez pas de permis. Hé, hé, vous êtes déporté. |
Policeman: You do not have a permit. Hey, hey, you are deported. |
