Amida Buddhism

Key Terms

Buddhism and class:

"Tendai is for the royal family, Shingon for the nobility, Zen for the warrior classes, and Pure Land [Jōdō] for the masses." D.T. Suzuki

Origins in T'ang Chinese Buddhist thought:

According to the Chinese monk Shan-tao (613-81) there was a monk named who in a previous age, as part of his training, had pledged to save all who call upon him--take them to the "Pure Land" -- Shan-tao began to emphasize "taking refuge in Buddha Amida" or (in Japanese -- nenbutsu)

Genshin (942-1017), introduces Amida to Japan

Hōnen (1133-1212)

Shinran (1173-1262)

Ippen (1239-89) Nichiren Buddhism