A block of rooms has been reserved for conference attendees at the Holiday Inn Austin Town Lake. The hotel is approximately 2 miles from the conference location (Texas Union); the hotel has a shuttle service to campus and Austin also has a reliable bus service. A reservation link is given below. Clicking on the link will bring you to the hotel booking page, entering the desired reservation dates there will bring up the name of the group and a choice of room types available at the conference rate. Additional information about the hotel is available at www.hiaustintownlake.pacificahost.com
Click here to reserve your room
If you would prefer, you can also call the toll free reservation line at 888-615-0509 and mention group code UTG to reserve your room.
We also expect to have a limited amount of crash space for student participants. Those interested in this should contact the conference organizers at their earliest convenience.
Other accommodation options in Austin include the following:
There is a youth hostel about 4 miles from the university, on transportation lines that can get you to UT. See www.hiaustin.org for details.
For a list of hotels in all price ranges near campus, see www.utexas.edu/cee/tcc/attend/index.php?page=accommodations. (Please note that distances are from the Thompson Conference Center on the northeast corner of campus.)
The priciest (and also the most convenient, approximately a five minute walk from the conference site, is the on-campus AT&T Conference Center). Information about this hotel is available at www.meetattexas.com/hotel.php.
There are also a few bed-and-breakfasts near the conference site. See www.bedandbreakfast.com/austin-texas.html for details.
Conference Location:
- Texas Union near the Tower at the center of the University of Texas Campus. See the Tower area map and other UT maps.
- Possible UT internet use as guest; most Austin coffeehouses have free wireless access
Getting To/From the Airport:
- All Airport Shuttles, Taxis and Rental Cars
- 100 Airport Flyer Bus
The 100 Airport flyer picks up at the lower level of Austin Bergstrom Airport and makes limited stops in downtown Austin. Please contact your hotel to find out if they are on the 100 Flyer route. (Some hotels are noted on the route map.) - Super Shuttle
In Austin: (512) 258-3826
National number: 1-800-BLUE VAN (258-3826) - Yellow Cab
Austin number: (512) 452-9999
Driving from Austin Bergstrom International Airport
- When leaving the airport, turn left (west) on Hwy 71 and stay in one of the two right lanes.
- Stay in one of the righthand lanes as they curve to the right onto the Bastrop Highway/US 183.
- Continue in the same lane as it crosses the bridge over the Colorado River and then follow it to the right onto Airport Blvd.
- Stay on Airport Blvd. until the intersection with MLK Street.
- Turn left onto MLK and proceed as in the directions from IH-35 below.
Getting Around Austin
- Parking: Click here for a map of regular and handicap accessible parking locations on the UT campus.
- Hotel Shuttle: Many Austin hotels provide free shuttle service within a 2-4 mile radius, so you may want to inquire with your hotel about transportation options.
- Capital Metro Public Transportation: Use the Capital Metro Trip Planner to find the best route.
- UT Shuttle Service.
Driving Directions to the Conference from IH-35
- Take the MLK exit and turn west at the light (= right turn for those traveling south on IH-35; a left turn for those traveling north).
- Travel west 3 blocks on MLK St. to the Trinity Garage; turn left on San Jacinto Boulevard to enter the garage (see UT main parking map for other alternatives).