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Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 17

April 15-16, 2011
University of Texas at Austin

Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2011

Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to submit abstracts for 20-minute papers for presentation at GLAC 17. Papers may be on any linguistic or philological aspect of any Germanic language or dialect, including English (to the Early Modern period) and the extraterritorial varieties. Papers from any area of linguistics or philology and from any theoretical perspective are welcome. Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts. All abstracts will undergo anonymous review.

Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail (in PDF, DOC, or RTF formats) to: GLAC17.2011@gmail.com

Abstracts should be a maximum of 1 page in length in a standard 12 point font. The page should be headed only by the title of the paper and the abstract should contain no self-identification. Please follow the directions on the website to submit author information. Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by e-mail by approximately February 15, 2011.

Tips for writing a good abstract are provided by the Linguistic Society of America at:the Linguistic Society of America

Conference e-mail: GLAC17.2011@gmail.com

Lead Organizer: Marc Pierce mpierc@mail.utexas.edu