Verbs with infinitives ending in -ir form a second group of regular verbs in French,
often called 'second conjugation' verbs. To conjugate these verbs, drop the
-ir from the infinitive and add the second conjugation present tense endings:
The singular and plural forms of the third person are clearly distinguishable (finit vs.finissent).
Listen to the difference.

finir 'to finish' |
je finis |
nous finissons |
tu finis |
vous finissez |
il/elle/on finit |
ils/elles finissent |
past participle : fini |

Here is a list of other common -ir verbs:

choisir, to choose |
maigrir, to lose weight |
réfléchir, to think, reflect |
établir, to establish |
mincir, to get slimmer |
réunir, to get together, assemble |
grandir, to grow (up) |
obéir (à quelqu'un), to obey (someone) |
réussir (à), to succeed (at) |
grossir, to gain weight |
réagir, to react |
vieillir, to grow old |

Not all verbs ending in -ir follow this pattern,however.
Irregular -ir verbs include ouvrir,
partir, sortir, and dormir.

Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the verbs in the following dialogue.
In particular, note the difference in the pronunciation of one s (pronounced as /z/) and two ss
(pronounced as /s/) in the verb 'choisir.'

Tex et Tammy réunissent des copains ce soir. |
Tex and Tammy are getting friends together this evening. |
Tammy: Quel vin tu choisis, Tex? |
Tammy: What wine do you choose, Tex? |
Tex réfléchit un moment, et puis il choisit un bon vin rouge. |
Tex reflects a moment and then he chooses a good red wine. |
Tex: Nous choisissons toujours du rouge. C'est bon pour la santé. |
Tex: We always choose red (wine). It's good for (one's) health. |
