The verbs partir, sortir, and dormir are irregular
in the present tense, that is, they are not conjugated like regular -ir verbs.
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of these verbs, noting especially the pronunciation of the consonant sound in the plural forms.
Can you hear the difference between the singular and the plural forms in the third person?
partir 'to leave' |
je pars |
nous partons |
tu pars |
vous partez |
il/elle/on part |
ils/elles partent |
past participle : parti |

sortir 'to exit, go out' |
je sors |
nous sortons |
tu sors |
vous sortez |
il/elle/on sort |
ils/elles sortent |
past participle : sorti |

dormir 'to sleep' |
je dors |
nous dormons |
tu dors |
vous dormez |
il/elle/on dort |
ils/elles dorment |
past participle :dormi |
Bette: Tammy, tu pars ce week-end? |
Bette: Tammy, are you leaving this weekend? |
Tammy: Oui, je pars pour la Louisiane avec Tex. Nous allons rendre visite à Paw-Paw. Samedi soir nous sortons danser et manger de la cuisine cadienne. |
Tammy: Yes, I'm going to Louisianna with Tex. We're going to visit Paw-Paw. We're going out Saturday night to dance and eat some Cajun food. |
Bette: Et Paw-Paw, il sort avec vous? |
Bette: And does Paw-Paw go out with you? |
Tammy: Non, il préfère rester à la maison pour dormir. |
Tammy: No, he prefers to stay at home and sleep. |
