Production Credits
Site content including photographs © Vivian Flanzer and licensed through Creative Commons:
(Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works)
Site design: Suloni Robertson
Site implementation: Kate Broussard, David Johannes and Ming Gong
Video Editing: Vivian Flanzer, Christine Wu, Eduardo Gonzalez
Translations and Transcriptions: Ana Somers
Portuguese Content Contributors: Ana Somers, Heloisa Aruth Sturm, Thiago Vital, Angela Vianna, João Valentino Alfredo, Lucas Legnare, Marco Alves.
LAITS Director: Joe TenBarge
LAITS Associate Director: James Henson
Support: University of Texas’s Liberal Arts Instruction Technology Grant (2009-2010); Tereza Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin from funds granted to the Institute by the Houston Endowment and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (Spring 2010) and COERLL's Texas Language Technology Textbook Initiative, supported by the Department of Education FIPSE grant P116Y090057 (Summer 2011).
Many thanks to: the fabulous Brazilians who generously agreed to be filmed for this site; the Spanish and Portuguese Department; the International Office; Orlando Kelm, Natalie Steinfeld, Karen Kelton, Steven Miller, Nicolas Shumway, Dale Koike, Veronica Sardegna, Bryan Roberts, Jonathan Brown, Paola Bueche, Paloma Diaz, Jean Somers, Sonia Roncador, Patricia Burrowes, Helena Wilkins-Versalovic, Marianne and Roberto Eliasquevici, Heliana DeWeese, Clara Ramos, Flanzer family; Seth, Marina and Ana Clara Garfield.
About: Vivian Flanzer was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she spent most of her life. She currently lives in the US, where she coordinates the Portuguese Language Program at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of the University of Texas at Austin. Vivian has a B.A. in Communications, an M.A. in Anthropology from the Museu Nacional of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and is currently working on a graduate degree in Foreign Language Education at UT-Austin. She had lots of fun creating ClicaBrasil because it gave her the opportunity to meet and work with amazing people in a project that incorporates her love for Brazil, anthropology, photography, film, writing and, of course, teaching Portuguese.
For comments or suggestions please e-mail Vivian Flanzer at