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リスニング (Listening) と スピーキング (Speaking)

"" Oral Performance Exam practice videos

"" 会話のれんしゅう

"" Listening    

"" Questions and Answers     

    If you are using this exercise as a homework assignment, audio record the session using a recording tool on your computer. For UT students, use the audio submission tool on Canvas.

    Exercises in this section are
    (1) Questions-and-Answers
    (2) Restating statements in different sentence structures.
    In each audio file, you have questions/statements followed by a brief silence and then the correct answers. Answer each question or restate statements, then self-check your answer by listening to the correct answer. If you don’t have enough time to answer the question, pause the audio file before you proceed.

  • 601D
  • 610D
  • 611D
  • 317C
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