Technical Specifications


    The communication frequency bands for the Iridium project are the following:

L-Band service links - 1616 to 1626.5 MHz

Intersatellite links - Ka Band - 23.18 to 23.38 GHz

Gateway/TT&C Links - Ka Bands
                Downlinks 19.4 to 19.6 GHz
                Uplinks - 29.1 to 29.3 GHz


  The  following are the satellite specifications:

Number of Satellites:  66 Interconnected

Number of Orbital Planes:  6

Orbit Height:  780 Kilometers - 485 Miles

Inclination of Orbital Planes:  86.4 degrees

Orbital Period:  100 minutes, 28 seconds

Coverage:  5.9 million square (statute)  miles per satellite

Satellite Weight:  689 kilograms

Spot Beams per Satellite:  48

Link Margin:  16 decibels (average)


   The following rockets were used to get the satellites up into orbit:

Boeing Space Systems Delta II

Khrunichev Proton

China Great Wall Long March 2C/SD

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