Index of
Encyclopedia of African American Business History
edited by
Juliet E.K. Walker
© 1999 Greenwood Press
Reproduced 2002 with permission of the publisher
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D & K Enterprises, 243
Dabney Publishing Company, 83
"Daddy" Grace, 381, 512
Dallas, TX, black business in 167
The Dancing Nig (1907), 233. See also Film
Daniels and Bell, 322, 637
Daniels, Billie, 556
Daniels-Carter, Valerie, 609
Daniels, John, 609
Dark & Lovely, 287, 314, 535. See also
Carson, Inc.
Darrow, Clarence, 70, 183
Dartmouth, 120
Daughters of Tabor, 246
Davenport, Chester, 542
David's (Cookies), 19
Davis Bend Plantations, 388
Davis, Benjamin, 550
Davis, Ed, 46
Davis, Edward (Dr.), 184
Davis, Jefferson, 388
Davis (Jefferson/Joseph) Bend Plantations, 79
Davis, Joseph, 388
Davis, Walter A., 404
Davis, Willie D., 533
Davis, William W., 165, 646
Dawson, William L. (Congressman), 348
Day, Thomas, 170, 178-79, 516, 518
Day, Thomas, Jr., 179
Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute,
Dearborn Real Estate Board, 571
DeBaptiste, George, 179-80
DeBow, J.B.D., 1850 Louisiana Census Black
Businesses, 27
Decatur, Stephen, 240
Deerfield, Colorado, 78
Def Comedy Jam, 483, 557
Defender, Chicago, 1-3, 136
Defense Contracts. See Black Defense Con-
Defense Data Network, 309
Def Jam Records, 431
Delany, Martin Robison, 130, 170, 180-82,
210, 220, 248, 303, 448, 509, 562, 564-65
Delaware, 127
Dell Computers, 541
Delta Kappa Chi, 453
Delta Penny Savings Bank, 603
Delta Sigma Theta, 17
Democratic Party, 187, 348, 522, 590
Democratic Photoplay Corporation, 234. See
also Film Production
Denmark, 311
Denver Colorado, 89, 131
Denver International Airport, 324
Denver Nuggets, 535
De Passe Entertainment, 182
DePasse, Suzanne, 182, 557, 608
DePauw University, 349
DePriest, Oscar Stanton (Congressman), 138,
Dereef and Howard, 563
Dereef, Richard, 23, 220
Dermatologist, 356
Des Moines, Iowa, 83
Desara, David, 562
Desegregation, 101-2
Detroit, 6, 49, 51, 88, 179, 283
Detroit Lions, 535
Dial Corporation, 191
Diasporic Africans, 478
Dick Gidron Cadillac and Ford, Inc., 48
Dick Griffey Associates, 468
Dick Griffey Productions, 224, 309, 468
Dickerson, Earl B., 298
Diehl, Walter, 232
Digital Equipment Corporation, 112
Diggs, Charles, Jr. (Congressman), 61, 261
Diggs, Charles C., 261
Dime Savings Bank, 642
Dinkens, David (Mayor), 547
Dillard University, 73
"Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power,"
Direct Selling Association, 193
Disadvantaged Theory of Ethnic Entrepreneur-
ship, 34-35
Discrimination Disparities, 470
Discrimination, Remedies, 481
Disney Studios, 165, 236, 596
Disparity Studies, 184-86
Diton, Effie, 405
Dixon, Thomas, 233
DJMA, 185
D. J. Miller & Associates, 184
Dobbs, John Wesley, 186-87, 548
Dode, Peter, 21
Dodge Dealerships, 609
Doley, Harold, 322
Don King Productions, 352
Don King Sports Entertainment Network, 352
Doley Securities, 322, 637
Domestics, 583
"Don't Spend Your Money/Shop Where You
Can't Work" Campaign, 137
Dootone Recording Company, 466
Dorsey, Hugh, 126
Douala, Cameroon, 309
Doubleday, 635
Douglas Broadcasting Inc., 465
Douglas, John, 464
Douglas, Stephen, 378
Douglass Bank (Kansas City, KS), 58, 61
Douglass, Frederick, 20, 60, 252
Douglass Life Insurance Company, 632
Douglass, N. John, 558
Douglass National Bank (Chicago), 55, 138,
Downing, Thomas, 130
Downing, George Thomas, 130, 132, 188-89
Downsizing, Corporate, 118, 165, 189-92, 610
Doxey, Lewis, 516
Dozier, Lamont, 467
Drake, St. Clair and Horace Cayton, 138, 255,
280, 281
Draper, Garrison, 21
Dreadlocks, 311
DreamWorks, 237
Drew Pearson Companies, 640
Drew, Timothy, 432. See also Noble Drew Ali
Drexel National Bank, 55, 635
Drug Trade. See Illegal Black Businesses, Or-
ganized Criminal Activities
Drugstores, 55
Drum Major For Justice Award, 538
Dube, John Langalabele (Reverend), 417
DuBuclet, Antoine, 491, 492
Du Bois and Dill Publishing Company, 83
Du Bois, William E. B.(Edward Burghardt);
Atlantic Slave Trade, 45; Black business
philosophy, 291; Black business studies,
111, 274, 395, 430, 453; Black business
strategies, 418, 625; "Business as Public
Service," 286; Critics of DuBois, 291; Cri-
tique on Garvey's Pan/Africanism/Neocolo-
nialism, 305; Critique on Booker T.
Washington, 589; DuBois/Washington De-
bate, economist assessment, 209-210; Eco-
nomic Co-operation Among Negro
Americans, 451; 1898 Fourth Atlanta Con-
ference, 418; Misinterprets house slaves/ser-
vants as origin of black business class, xiv;
Moon Illustrated Weekly, 443; NAACP,
204, 589; National Afro-American League,
400; Negro in Business, 274, 430; Niagara
Movement, 40, 400; Political Ideology, 94,
216, 429-30; Promotion of black coopera-
tives, 430; On South's Jim Crow Responses
to black beneficial societies, 298; Souls of
Black Folks, 589; "Talented Tenth," 40,
418, 436
Duckworth, Margaret, 579
Ducrois, G. N., 28
Dudley Cosmetology University, 193
Dudley, Eunice, 193, 286
Dudley, Joe L., 192-94, 282, 286, 330
Dudley's Haircare Fact Book, 282-83
Dudley Products Inc., 193, 282
Dugger, Edward, III, 324
Duke Ellington, 551
Duke Label, 472
Dulan, Hurlon, 407. See also National Black
MBA Association
Dumas, Alexander, 28
Dumas Hotel, 131
Dumas, Joseph, 28
Dumases, 302
Dun & Bradstreet, 305, 399, 439
Dun Mercantile Credit Company, 321
Dun Mercantile Credit Reports, 130, 170, 565.
See also Free Black Entrepreneurs
Dunbar Film Company, 234
Du Pont Gunpowder Mills, 219
DuPuy, Edmond, 565
Duran, Roberto, 351
Durham, NC, 82, 202-3, 436. See also Black
Wall Street
Durham Commerical and Security Company,
Durham Committee on Negro Affairs (DCNA),
Durham Human Relations Committee, 528
Durham Textile Mill, 82
Durnford, Andrew, 194-97. See also Durford,
Dumford, Thomas, 492
DuSable High School (Chicago), 569, 561
DuSable, Jean Baptiste Pointe, 136, 153
DuSable Museum of African American His-
tory, 85, 393
"Dutchess" Quamino, 128, 154, 598
Dyke and Dryden (London), 308
Earl Graves Associates, 278
Earl G. Graves, Ltd, 278
Earl G. Graves Publishing Company, 278
Early, Arthur, 433
East India Toilet goods Company, 624
Eastern Airlines, 637
Eastern Colored League, 414
Eastman Kodak, 361
Easton, Robert J., 403
Eatonville, Florida, 80
East Saginaw, Michigan, 222
East St. Louis, IL, 46, 78, 336, 372
East-West (All-Star) Game, 416
Ebony, 46, 177, 289, 611. See also Johnson,
John Harold
Ebony Fashion Fair, 332, 452
Ebony-Jet Tours, 332
Ebony Jr!, 332
Ebony/Jet Showcase, 557
Ebony South Africa, 314-15, 334
Echo Records, 466
Eckstine, Billy, 4
Eckstine, Ed, 469
Economic Blueprint of the Nation of Islam,
Economic Co-operation Among Negro Ameri-
cans, 451, 453. See also DuBois, William
"Economic Detour," 36
Economic Development Administration, 61-62
"Economic Empowerment" Program, 545
Economics of Discrimination, 586
Economic Opportunity Act, 635
Edgar, Jacqueline L., 609
Edison, Thomas, 127
Editor and Publisher Year Book, 2
Edmonds Entertainment, 237
Edmonds, Kenneth "Babyface," 469
Education and Black Businesspeople, 112,
159, 243. See also Literacy and Black Busi-
Edward Burnett's Casual Fashions (Japan),
Edwards, Junius, 7
EEC, 308
EEG Dallas Broadcasting Company, 278
EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity
E. F. Young, Jr. Manufacturing Company, 285
E. G. Bowman Co., 299, 607, 638
E. G. Gardner Beauty Products Inc., 267
Egoli Beverages, 315
Egypt, 305
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (President), 187, 357,
Eldridge, Elleanor, 599
Electric Lights, 623
Elgin Settlement (Canada), 302
Elijah Muhammad Three Year Economic Plan,
Elliot Department Store, xxi
Ellison, William, 169-70, 198-99, 492, 516,
Ellsworth, Scott, 204
EM (Ebony Man), 332
Emancipation Proclamation, 498
Emancipator, 449
Embalming Fluid Manufactory, 264
Emerge, 315
Emergency Education Program, 459
EMI Records, 468
Employment, Blacks and Federal Government,
Employment Discrimination, 409
Employment Patterns, Black Business, 75, 107,
Employment Patterns, Minority Business, 480
Employment Training, 545
Enclaves, Entrepreneurial, 35-36, 201-5, 280,
Enclaves, Ethnic, 526. See also Immigrant
Endorsements. See Sports, Athlete Enterprises
and Enterpreneurs
England, 300, 302, 306, 308
Engineering Contractors v. Metropolitan Dade
County, 186
Enterprise (South Africa), 315
Enterprise Zones, 205-8
Enterprise Zones: A Solution to the Urban
Crisis, 206
Enterprise Zones: Pioneering in the Inner
Cities, 206
Entertainment Enterprises, 3-4, 608; See also
Film Production; Radio Enterprises; Record-
ing Industry; Television Industry
Entreprenuer Models, Black Community Eco-
nomic Development, 208-11
Entrepreneurial Enclaves in the African Amer-
ican Experience, 413
Entrepreneurial Theories, 35-36, 293
Entrepreneurship and Self-Help Among Black
Americans, 201
Envirotest Systems Corporation, 324, 542
Epic/Sony Records, 469
Epsilon Nu Delta Mortuary Fraternity, 265
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC), 148-49, 586
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Companies, 164
Equiano, Olaudah, 43
Equitable Life, 164
Equitable Life Assurance Building, 478
Equity Capital, 106
Erving, Julius" Dr. J." Winfield, II, 363, 533,
Essence, 110, 289, 315, 430, 611
Essence Awards for Business, 182
Essence Communications, 611, 646
Esso Standard Oil, 404
Esther Laboratories, 285
Esusu, 247, 474
Eta Phi Beta, 633
Ethics, African Americans and Business, 211-
Ethics and American Democratic Capitalism,
Ethics, White Corporate America, 212-13
Ethiopia, 472
Ethiopian Clowns, 416
Ethnic Entrepreneurship, 35
Ethnic Entrepreneurship Class Resources, 37,
European Economic Community (EEC), 308
Evanita Holding Company, 322
Exclusive Records, 466
Executive Order 11246, 199
Executive Order 11458, 65-66
Executive Order 11625, 66
Executive Order 12138, 66
Extractive Industries, Enterprises, 219-25, 378
"Eyes on the Street," 526
Faces at the Bottom of the Well, 213
Falwell, Jerry (Reverend), 146
Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. See
Amos, Wallace, Jr.
Fard, W. D. (Wallace Drew), 422, 432
Far East, 306
Far Eastern Trade Association, 307
Farmers, 12-17
Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), 15-16
Farr, Mel (Sr.), 646
Fashion Fair Cosmetics, 308, 333, 607
Father Divine [George Baker], 226-29, 381,
433, 512
"Father of Harlem," 445
"Father of the Curl," 393
Faustina Beach, 230
Faustina, Gilbert, 229-31
FCN Publishing Company, 86
Fedco Foods Corporation, 363, 636
FDIC. See Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
Federal Aviation Administration, 152
Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
465, 644
Federal Contracts, 52, 149, 199-200, 609. See
also. Equal Employment Opportunity Com-
mission; Office of Federal Contract Compli-
ance Program
Federal Courts and Black Business, 52
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
(FDIC), 56, 60, 62, 65, 66
Federal Depository Deregulation and Monetary
Act (1980), 62
Federal Employment, 149. See also Equal Em-
ployment Opportunity Commission; Office
of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Federal Government and Minority Business,
150, 173. See also Set-Asides, Minority
Federal Government Equal Opportunity Man-
dates, 513. See also Affirmative Action;
Civil Rights Era and Black Business
Federal Manuscipt Census/Black Business, 517
Federal Minority Business Plan, 643
Federal Reserve Bank, 65, 550
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora-
tion, 65, 66
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 265, 288,
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 459
Feldman, Lynn, 272, 483, 582
Felton, William McDonald, 231-32
Female Trading Association, 601
Ferguson, Kathy, 598
Ferris, William H., 269
Fields, Michael, 165, 643
Fifty-Ninth Street Theater (Harlem), 231
Filipinos, 307
Film Production, 232-38, 277, 307, 310, 327,
336, 459, 468, 483, 533, 640. See also Mi-
cheaux, Oscar
Final Call, 425, 427
Finance Capitalism, xxviii
Financial Capital, 511
Financial Management Service, 66
Finland, 306
First American Woman Bank Founder. See
Walker, Maggie Lena
First Artist Production, 235
First Black Actuary, 528
First Black Billion Dollar Business. See TLC
Beatrice International Holdings
First Black Certified Public Accountant (CPA),
First Chicago(Bank), 56
First Harlem Securities, 322
First National Bank (Chicago), 46
Fishing, Hunting, Trapping Firms 1992, 224
Fisk University, 71, 73, 452, 556, 610
Fisk University Press, 84
Fitzgerald, Richard Burton, 82
Fitzhugh, H. Naylor, 120, 405
Five Blackbirds, The, 459
Five Civilized Tribes, 204
501(c)3 Corporation, 407, 412
Flavor, 483
Flavor Unit Record, 608
Flemming, Adelaide, 405
Fletcher, Arthur (Dr.), 406
Flippen, Pearl, 405
Flori Roberts, 541
Florida, 41
Florida A & M University (FAMU), 115, 118
Florida A & M School of Business, 115-18
Folkes, Scott, 469
Folsom, Joseph Libby, 359
Foneal, J. V., 29
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 126
Food Services and Hotel Industries, 133-34.
See also Catering, Inns, Hotels
Foot Cone & Belding, 98
Forbes, 475, 596, 608
Ford, Barney L., 238-39, 302
Ford, Cornelius Evarts, 239-40
Ford Dealership, 609
Ford Foundation, 476, 636
Ford, Gerald (President), 139
Ford, Henry, 50
Ford Motor Company, 7, 49, 50, 51, 140, 313,
403. See also Auto Dealers; Auto Parts Sup-
ply Industry
Ford Motor's Lincoln-Mercury Division, 361
Foreign Cars, 47, 122
Forestry Enterprises, 224
Forten, Charlotte, 242
Forten, James, 170, 176, 240-42, 248, 448
Forten, James, Jr., 242
Forten, Robert, 242
Fortune, Amos, 616
Fortune, 4, 113, 287, 535, 537, 552
Fortune Global 500 Industrials, 46
Fortune 500 Corporations, 51, 52, 119, 121,
148, 340, 375, 609
Fortune 500 Black Managers/Executives in,
150, 164-65
Fortune 500 Board Members, 166
Fortune 500 Industrial Companies, 162
Fortune Service 500 Companies, 162
Fortune Service 250 Companies, 162
Fortune, T. (Timothy) Thomas, 269, 400
Forty Acres and a Mule, 236. See also Film
Production; Lee, Spike
Foster, Rube, 137, 414
Foster Photoplay Company, 233
Foster, W. F., 588
Foster, William 233
"40 Acres and a Mule," 12
Founders National Bank (Los Angeles), 538-
400 Years without a Comb, 392
Fourteenth Amendment and American Busi-
ness, xvi
Fourth (1898) Atlanta Conference, 418
Fox-TV, 539
France, 131, 249, 302, 306, 308, 347
Franchise Units, 122, 312, 243-44, 268, 533,
609, 643. See also Auto Dealers; Black
Franchise Owners; TLC Beatrice Interna-
tional Holdings
Franklin, Benjamin, 499
Franklin, John Hope, xxiv
Franprix (France), 312
Fraser, George, 430
Fraternal Organizations, 99-100, 172, 217,
255, 245-46, 264, 296, 420, 512, 525
Fraunces, Samuel, 129, 154
Fraunces Tavern and Restaurant, 129, 154, 616
Frazier, E. Franklin, 202, 255, 290, 436
Frederick Douglass, 270
Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital and
Training School, 625
Free African Society, 241, 247-48, 296, 394,
Free Black Entrepreneurs, 248-52. See also
Antebellum Black Business Activities
Free Frank. See McWorter, Free Frank
Free Frank: A Black Pioneer on the Antebel-
lum Frontier, xix
Free Labor Bank, 621
Free Lance Press, 85
Free Masonry. See Fraternal Organizations
Free Men of Color, 23
Free People of Color, 27, 29, 515
Free Produce Movement, 601
Free Soil Journalist, 344
Free Speech (Memphis), 602
Free Will Baptist Seminary, 378
Freed, Allen, 464
Freedom National Bank (NY), 474, 532, 636,
Freeman, Marcus, 560
Freedman's Aid Society, 73
Freedman's Bank, 59-60, 252-53
Freedmen Saving's and Trust Company, 59.
See also Freedman's Bank
Freedmen, 70, 498
Freedmen's Bureau, 12, 71
Freedmen's Journal, 449
Freedmen's Hospital, 96
Freedom Bookstore, 88
Freedom's Journal, 1, 302
Fresh Prince of Bel Air, 557
Friendly Society of Sierra Leone, 176, 300
Frito-Lay, 165
From Slavery to Freedom, xxiv
Fuci Metals, USA, 312, 533, 609
Fudge, Ann, 164, 610
Fugitive Slave Law, 1850, 343-44
Fugitive Slaves, 220, 302, 429. See also Un-
derground Railroad and Black Business
Fujita, Japan McDonald's, 310
Fuller Department Store and Office Building,
Fuller Livestock Enterprise, 253
Fuller Guaranty Corporation, 253
Fuller Philco Home Appliance Center, 253
Fuller Products, 193, 330
Fuller, S. B., 193, 253-54, 282, 286
Fullilov v. Klutznick (1980), 481
Full-Line Insurance Company, 297
Funeral and Mortuary Enterprises, 254-56,
551, 552
Funeral Business Firms, 256-59, 524
Funeral Business History, 25, 259-66, 616
Fur Trading, 131, 136
Fykes, James Samuel Lynch, 306
Fykes, Leroy, 407. See also National Black
MBA Association