Index of
Encyclopedia of African American Business History
edited by
Juliet E.K. Walker
© 1999 Greenwood Press
Reproduced 2002 with permission of the publisher
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Jackson, Alonzo, 498
Jackson, Booker, 564
Jackson, James A. "Billboard," 404
Jackson, Janet, 538
Jackson, Jesse Louis, 93, 97, 217, 289, 325-
28, 408, 646, 647
Jackson, Luther Porter, 564
Jackson, Mannie, 535
Jackson, Maynard (Mayor), 173, 187, 548. See
also Mayors, Black, and Black Business
Jackson, Michael, 469
Jackson, Reggie, 533
Jackson, Rufus, 414
Jackson State University, 115, 118
Jackson, TN, 86
Jacksonville, FL, 566
Jacksonville Jaguars, 535
Jaja of Opobo, 328-29
Jakes, Henry, 22
Jamaica, 247, 270, 308
Jamaican Canadian Association, 476
James, Charles Howell, 329-30, 643
James, Charles II, 329
James, Clinton, 131
James, Edward, 329
James Hotel, 551
James M. Wilkerson's Undertaking Company,
James Produce Company, 643
James, Thomas S., 345
Jamestown, VA, 615
Japan, 96, 304, 309, 310
Japan Watch, 310, 609
Japanese-Americans. See Asian/Black Entre-
preneurship, Comparison
Japanese Auto Manufactures. See Auto Dealers
Jarrett, Richard, 563
J. A. Rogers Publications, 84
Jaynes, Gerald David, 112
J. C. McBrady and Company, 253
JCPenney, 311
Jefferson, Thomas, 616
The Jeffersons, 557
Jeffries, LeRoy, 404
Jenkins, Philip M., 322
Jenkins, Joseph Roberts, 301
Jennings, Thomas, 618
Jet, 289
Jet Engine Containers, 533
Jewel Food Stores, 7
Jewelers. See Antebellum Black Business Ac-
tivities, Jewelry/Silverware Store
Jewish-Americans, 356, 520, 526
"Jewish Conspiracy," 168
"Jewish Influence," 272
Jheri Curl, 640
J. H. Heinz Company, 24
J. H. Zedricks & Co., 304
Jihad, 88
Jim Crow Era, Business Impact: Architects, 32-
33; Barbers, 283-84; Catering, 132-33, 274;
Construction, 171-72; Financial Institutions,
436, 549. See also Georgia, Black Business,
1890-1915; South, Black Business, 1880-
1930; "Sweet Auburn" Avenue
Jim Crow Iniquities, 400, 456, 530, 544
Jim Crow Laws, 91, 100, 187, 204, 230, 271,
380, 395, 417, 554, 555, 565-66
Jitneys. See Taxicab Enterprises
J. J. Sulton and Sons, 222, 565
J. M. Products Co., 286, 346
Jobete, 277
"Jobs for Negroes" Campaigns, 93
Joe Louis Distilling Company, 531
Joe Louis Enterprise, 532
Joe Louis Milk Company, 531
Joe Louis Punch Company, 271, 531
Johannesburg, 593
Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 542, 610
John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry, 458
John C. Robinson National Air Collete, 472
John C. Robinson School of Automotive Engi-
neers, 472
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance, 164
Johnson, Albert W., 46-47
Johnson Cadillac, 139. See also Johnson, Al-
bert W.
Johnson Cadillac-Saab, 47
Johnson, Anthony, 493, 615
Johnson, Camillia, 599
Johnson, Cato, 576
Johnson, Charles, 201
Johnson, Charlie W., 646
Johnson Controls, 52
Johnson Development Group, 538. See John-
son, Magic
Johnson, Earvin, Jr. See Johnson, Magic
Johnson, Eric, 331
Johnson, Eudora, 68
Johnson, Eunice, 607, 611
Johnson, Evelyn, 472
Johnson, George P., 233, 382
Johnson, George E., 55, 139, 253, 282, 286,
Johnson, Joan, 331
Johnson, John Harold, 253, 298, 331-35, 366,
452, 547. See also Johnson Publications;
Johnson Publishing Company
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (President), 635
Johnson, Magic, 277, 452, 535
Johnson, Noble, 233-34
Johnson Products, 55, 139, 140, 268, 283, 308,
313, 541, 643, 646. See also Hair Care
Products Industry; Johnson, George E.
Johnson Products of Nigeria, 330
Johnson Publications, 1947 Advertising Film,
4; Auto Advertising Accounts, 46, 405
Johnson Publishing Company, 46, 83, 138,
308, 314-315, 318
Johnson-Rice, Linda, 611
Johnson, Robert L., 309, 335-37. See also
BET; Black Entertainment Television Inter-
Johnson, Roy, 165
Johnson, Walter, 138
Johnson, William Hamilton, 304
Johnson, William Julius "Judy," 415
Johnson, William Tiler, 249, 250, 321, 337-
38, 565
Joint Ventures, 52-53, 174, 277, 317, 318,
333, 336, 337, 340, 479, 538, 644
Joint Ventures International, 308-9, 310, 314,
315, 317, 330, 334, 640
Joint Venturing, 338-43
Joliet State Penitentiary, 69
Jones, Absalom, 296, 616, 617
Jones Brothers, 306, 632
Jones Brothers Ben Franklin Store, 632
Jones, Caroline, 4, 6
Jones, Carl, 642
Jones, Dan (Rev. Dr.), 406
Jones, George C., 260
Jones, Herbert H., Jr., 568
Jones Hotel/Inn, 131
Jones, Jehu, 24, 26, 131
Jones, John, 137, 343-44
Jones, John Jay, 263
Jones, Kate, 599
Jones, Quincy, 431, 469
Jones Street Railway and Equipment Com-
pany, 345
Jones, Theresa, 609
Jones, Thomas W., 164
Jones, Wiley, 345-46, 566
Jordan, B. L., 296, 297
Jordan, John, 21
"Jordan Effect," 537
"Jordan Fundamentals," 539
Jordan, Michael, 312, 452, 533-34, 535, 536,
Joseph, Charles, 582
Joshua, Ernest, 286, 346-47
Joshua, Michael, 347
J & S (Records), 466
Joubert, L. J., 451
Joyner, Marjorie Stewart, 285, 347-48
Julian Laboratories, 349
Julien, Max, 235
Julian, Percy Lavon, 349-50
Julian Richardson Associates, 88
Julius Rosenwald Fund, 72, 74
"Junk Bond King," 362
Kalamazoo, Michigan, 88
Kani, Karl, 249, 312, 644
Kansas, 41, 61
Kansas City, Kansas, 61, 603
Kansas City Monarchs, 414
Karenga, Maulana, 352
Karl Kani Infinity Company, 644
Kean, Edmund, 564
Keckley, Elizabeth, 486, 601
Keen, Josephine B., 405
Keith, Leroy, 313, 535
Kellogg Company, 177
Kellogg Foundation, 412
Kemp, Jack (Congressman), 206
Kendrick, Moss H., 404
Kennedy, Edward (Senator), 96
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (President), 17, 392
Kennedy, Robert, (Attorney General), 278
Kent-Barry-Eaton Connection Railroad Com-
pany, 639
Kent School of Law, 570
Kentucky, 41
Kentucky Fried Chicken. See KFC
Kentucky State University, 115
Kenwood Commercial Furniture, 638
Kenwood Group, Inc., 610
Kenya, 166
Kerford Caves, 223-24
Kerford, George, 223
Kerford, George W., 223
Kerford, Lloyd, 223
Kerford Quarry Stone Mining Company, 223
Kerner Commission Report, 51, 148, 528
Kernersville, NC, 193, 646
Keys, Brady, 533
KFC, 7, 243, 533
Kiblah, Arkansas, 263
King Brothers Construction Company, 487
King, Don (Donald Ferrin), 351-52, 537-38
King, Horace, 487, 515
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (Dr.), 93, 187, 217,
264, 269, 326, 555, 570
King, Martin Luther III, 406
King Training Camp, 352
King World, 596
Kingston, Jamaica, 308, 474
Kinshasa, Zaire, 351
Kirk, Ronald (Mayor), 374
Kizell, John, 300
KLMG-TV, 558
K-Mart, 99, 112, 311, 534, 607
Knight, Henry, 564
Knights of Peter Claver, 230-31
Knights of Pythias, 217, 296, 429, 441, 525.
See also Fraternal Organizations
Knowles, Matthew, 289
Koch, Ed (Mayor), 547
Koger, Larry, 491, 494
Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, 362
Korean-Americans Business, 37, 289, 293. See
also Asian/Black Entrepreneurship, Compar-
Kostner, Kevin, 536
KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation, 120
Kraft Foods, 7, 333, 361, 610
Ku Klux Klan, 1, 233, 380
Kung Fu Action Films, 236
Kwanzaa, Commercialism of, 352-54
Lacroix, Francois, 29, 249, 250, 516, 617
Lacroix, Julien, 248, 250, 565
Lacroix (Francois and Julien) Brothers, 302
LaFace Records, 469
Lafon, Thory, xxiv, 28, 449-50
Lagos, Nigeria, 304
Laird, Roland, 641
Landry, Bart, 280
Lane, Lunsford, 220, 564
Langston University, 115
Lankford, John, 32
Lanoise, J. B., 29
La Noue, George, 185
Larkin, Thomas O., 358
Las Vegas, 531
Lauderback, Brenda, 164, 610
Lauderdale, Jack, 455
Latin America, 308
Lawless, Theodore Kenneth, 355-56
Lawrence, Fenda, 155
Lawyer's Committee on Civil Rights, 17
Lawson State Community College, 115
LeaderPrice Stores (France), 312. See also
TLC Beatrice International Holdings
Leary Group, Inc., 310, 609
Leary, Kathryn D., 310, 609
LeBlanc, P., 28
LeBlanc, B., 29
Lee, Bertram, 535
Lee, Eliza Seymour, 24, 131, 516
Lee, George Washington, 356-57
Lee, John, 24, 131
Lee, Joseph, 131
Lee, Kathie, 312
Lee, Spike, 110, 640
Lee, Walter, L., 138
The Left, 168, 183-84, 227
Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies, 41,
Legoasters Brothers (also LeGoaster), 28
Legoaster, Erasme, 28
Legoaster, Philipe Aime, 28, 29
Leidesdorff, William Alexander, 131, 220,
248, 250, 357-60, 509, 562
Le International Imports, 311
Lelia Beauty College, 585
Lena Hore Cosmetic company, 607
Leo Burnette, 98
Leveraged Buyout, 121, 311, 361, 362, 636,
641. See also Lewis, Reginald Francis
Lewis, Byron Eugene, 6, 360-61
Lewis, Edward, 646
Lewis, James, 450
Lewis, John Whitelaw, 628
Lewis-Kemp, Jacqueline, 610
Lewis, Kirk, 402
Lewis, Lawrence, 322
Lewis, Loida, 362, 611. See also TLC Beatrice
International Holdings
Lewis, Margie, 609
Lewis Metal Stamping Company, 610
Lewis, Reginald Francis, 311, 431, 361-63,
541. See also TLC Beatrice International
Lewis, Steve, 408
Lewis, William, 165
LGT Asset Management, 165
Libby Company, 127
Liberator, The, 242, 448
Liberation Bookstore, 88
Liberia, 270, 300, 301, 303, 304, 307, 419
Liberian Plantations, 301
Liberty Life Insurance Company, 546, 629
Liberty Media Group, 646
Libya, 427
Life, Reggie, 310, 557
Light, Ivan, 35, 365
Light of the World Christian Church (Indian-
apolis), 145
The Light and Heebie Jeebies, 572
Light-Skin African Americans, 25-26, 233,
280, 382-83, 444, 583. See also Brown Fel-
lowship Society; Mulattos
Ligon, Alfred and Bernice, 88
Lily White Security Benefit Association, 246
Limestone Caves, 219, 223
Lincoln, Abraham, 59, 188, 252, 378
Lincoln, C. Eric, 144
Lincoln Hospital, 529
Lincoln League, 143
Lincoln, Lillian, 120
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 486
Lincoln Motion Picture Company, 233, 382
Lincoln University (MO), 168, 443
Lindbergh Charles, 458
Lion Publishing Company, 472
Liquid Gold Manufacturing Company, 426
Lister Brothers, 126
Literacy and Black Businesspeople, 153, 522
Literacy Volunteers of America, 20
Little Rock, Arkansas, 99, 260
Little Sisters of the Poor, 450
Liverpool (ENG), 301, 303
Livestock Enterprises. See Black Cattle/Live-
stock Enterprises
Livingstone College, 401
Llewellyn, James Bruce, 363-64, 535
Lloyds of London, 302
Locke, Alain, 290
Lockhart & Pettus, Inc., 6
Lockhart, Keith, 6
Locks Funeral Parlor, 260
Loewen Group, Inc. (Canada), 257, 258, 266
Lomax, Charles, 351
London, 308, 312. See also England
Longview, TX, 558
Lone Star Motion Picture Company, 234
Lonesome Dove, 182, 557
L'Oreal (France), 268
Lorillard Corporation, 177
Los Angeles, 18, 88
Los Angeles Lakers, 535
Los Angeles Parachute Company, 632
Los Angeles Riot (1992), 193 287
Los Angeles Sentinel, 2
Lottery, 4, 26, 247
Louis, Errol T., 476
Louis, Joe, 474, 531-32
Louisianna Association for the Benefit of Col-
ored Orphans, 449
Louisiana Native Guards, 454
Louisiana Volunteer Infantry, 454
Louisville National Medical College, 265
Lovejoy, IL, 284, 572. See also Black Town
Enterprises; Brooklyn, Illinois
Lower/Upper South Black Business Rates. See
South, Black Business, 1790-1880; South
Black Business, 1860-1880
Lumber Merchants. See Extractive Industries,
Lundy, Larry, 643
Lundy Enterprises, 643
Luster, Fred, Sr., xxvii
Luster, Jory, 646
Luster Products Company, 286, 313, 347
Lustrasilk, 288
Lyons, Henry (Reverend Dr.), 146, 265-66
Lyons, Sidney and Mary, 624