Index of
Encyclopedia of African American Business History
edited by
Juliet E.K. Walker
© 1999 Greenwood Press
Reproduced 2002 with permission of the publisher
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V&J Foods, 609
Vancouver (Canada), 302, 621
Vanette, Etienne, 29
Vann, Robert Lee, 1-2
Vashon, John, 618
Vaudeville, 466
Vee Jay Records, 277, 466, 608
Vendors, Street, 155
Venezuela, 307, 311
Venture Capital. See Black Business Venture
Verdun Theater, 383
Vertical Integration Business Strategies, 109
Vesey, Denmark, 26, 500
Vibe, 319
Victor, Franois, 29
Victory Life Insurance, 138, 440
Victory Mutual Life Insurance Company, 440
VideoCasettes, 537
Vietnam, 532
Vigilance Committee, 344, 575
Vigilant Committee, 242
Villa Lewaro, 584
Villarosa, Clara, 89
Vince Cullers Advertising, Inc., 6, 177, 334
Virgin Islands, 308
Virginia Confederation of Colored Women,
Virginia, Farmers, 12-16
Virginia Interracial Council, 580
Virginia State College, 361
Virginia State University, 115
Virginia Union University, 115, 290, 580
Vogue Record Company (France), 309
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 326
Vomack Advertising, 7
Vulcan Realty and Investment Corporation,
173, 271. See also Gaston, Arthur George
Wainer, Paul, 240
Waiting to Exhale, 89
Wade Advertising, 98
Wade, Melvin R., 637
Wade, Richard C., 488
Wage Earner's Savings Bank, 628
Wald, Jeff, 18
Wall Street, 607
Walker, A'Leila. See Walker, Sarah Breedlove
Walker, Antonio M. (Maceo), 633
Walker, Armstead, 579
Walker Beauty School, 348
Walker, Herschel, 533
Walker, Joseph, 633
Walker, Juliet E. K., xvii, 180, 490
Walker, Maggie Lena (Mitchell), 245, 578-81
Walker Manufacturing Company, 305. See
also Walker, Sarah Breedlove
"Walker Method," 582
Walker, Sally, 606
Walker, Sarah Breedlove (Madam C. J.), 282,
285, 305, 366, 451, 581-85, 572, 604
Walker, T. (Reverend), 222
Walker, William 0., 2
Wall Street, 299, 610, 638
Wall Street Journal, 191
Wallace & Wallace Chemical and Oil Corpo-
ration, 224
Wallace, Phyllis Ann, 585-87
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 168-69
Wal-Mart, 311, 607
Walrond, Eric, 269
Walt Disney Television and Telecommunica-
tions, 644. See also Disney Studios
Walters, Alexander (Bishop), 410
Wampanoag Indians, 175
Wamuru-Wilson, Jinaki, 560
Warbourg, Daniel, 28
Warbourg, Eugene, 28
War Food Administration (WFA), 223
War of 1812, 240, 448
War on Poverty, 206
Ware, Lloyd, 165
Warner Brothers (Records), 469
Warren, C. A., 467
Warren School of Aeronautics, 459
Waring, Colston, 301
Waseda University (Japan), 310
Washburn College, 439
Washington, Booker T. (Taliaferro), 587-90;
Accomodationist Philosophy, 400, 401, 527,
588-89; Atlanta "Compromise," 1895 Ex-
position Speech, 588-89; George Washing-
ton Carver, 125; Business Philosophy, 76,
94, 99, 153, 183, 216, 269, 272, 381, 418,
428, 527; Black barbers, 283-84; Black
banks, 446; Black churches, 143; Black
towns, 78, 79; DuBois critique of, 589; Edu-
cational philosophy, 418, 589; DuBois-
Washington Debate, economists'
assessments, 209-10, 291; Extractive Indus-
tries, 222; Funds, "clandestinely," Court
Cases challenging Jim Crow laws, 401; Im-
migrant entrepreneurs, 590; Industrial educa-
tion and black colleges, 71, 589; National
Afro-American League, 400; Negro Press
support, 401; "Neo-Washingtonians," 418,
530; On black business, 202, 565; Patronage
power, 530; Political Philosophy, 76, 400,
401, 589; Poor whites, 590; Race Relations,
589; Supporters, 40, 76, 94, 99, 401, 430;
Madame C. J. Walker, 581. See also Na-
tional Negro Business League; Tuskegee In-
Washington, D.C., 133, 260, 618
Washington, D.C. National Airport, 568
Washington, George (President), 129
Washington, George J., 634
Washington, Harold, 26, 590-93. See also
Mayors, Black, and Black Business
Washington Homestead Grays, 414
Washington, Leon, Jr., 2
Washington National Bank, 55
Washington Post, 545
Washington, Sarah [Sara] Spencer, 285, 305-6,
593-94, 606
Washington Shirt Manufacturing Company,
WATCH, 430
Waters, Enoch P., 84
Waters, Ethel, 444
Watson, John, 46
Wattstax, 467
Wayne State University, 98, 168
Wealthy Citizens of Philadelphia, 248
Wealthholding, Blacks. See Black Wealthhold-
Wealthholding Inequalities, 103
Weare, Walter, xvii
Weatherup, Craig E., 277
Weaver, Robert, 164
Webcrawler, 320
Weekly Louisianan, 454
"We Do Chicken Right," 7
Weems, Robert E., Jr., xvii
Weil, Stanford, 646
Welfare Rights Organization, 148
Wells Fargo, 643
Wells Fargo Bank, 30
Wells, Ida B., 400, 602
Wells, Nelson, 22
Wells School, 449
Wells, William, 449
Weisbrot, Robert, 227
WERD-Radio, 550
West Angels Church of God In Christ (Los
Angeles), 145
West Africa, 155, 304, 475
West Indian-Owned Businesses. See Rotating
Credit Associations, Caribbean American
Chamber of Commerce
West Indies, 300, 304, 306
West Indies, Immigrants, 22, 23, 29, 129, 157,
West Indies, Immigrants, Post-Civil War, 76,
306, 363, 474-75, 476, 515, 629
West Indies Imports, 304
West Virginia State College, 290, 349
Western Book and Supply Company, 382
Western Europe, 308
Western Frontiers, 131
Westin Hotel, 407
Westinghouse, 623
Weston, Anthony, 24-25, 170, 486, 494, 515,
516, 594-95
Weston, Jacob, 23
Weston, Maria, 516, 595
Weston, Samuel, 23
Westport Society of Friends, 448
WGPR-TV, 558
Whaling Vessels, 303
Wharton, Clifton, Jr., 164, 641
Wharton School of Business, 120, 329, 556
Wheeler Airlines Flight Services, 568
Wheeler, Warren H., 568
Whipper, William, 449, 510
White Apprentices, Antebellum Black Busi-
ness, 178
White Employees/Antebellum Black Business,
70, 240, 338
WhiteEmployees/Black Business, 203, 223,
253, 322, 390
White Competition/Black Business, 2-3, 7, 14,
43, 140, 257-58, 265-66, 288, 367, 635
White Competition/Black Business, Racial ex-
clusion, 30-31. See also Markets, Protected
and Black Entrepreneurship
White Corporate America, 112, 119, 120, 140,
642. See also Fortune 500 Corporations
White Corporate America Employment Dis-
crimination, 327
White Corporate America, Ethics, 212
White Corporate America Racialized Jobs. See
Corporate America, Black Managers
White Corporate Culture and Blacks, 213-14
White, Herbert H., 404
White House, 129, 179
White MBAs, 162, 585. See also MBAs on the
Fast Track, 585
"White Man's Burden," 303
White, Michael (Mayor). See Mayors, Black
and Black Business
White Purchases of Large Black Businesses,
140; Barden Cablevision, 644; Johnson
Products, 287; Motown, 277, 641; Soft
Sheen, 268
White Slaveholders, 1860, 490-91, 492-93
White Sox, 177, 535
White Sulphur Springs, 345
White Sulphur Springs Land and Improvement
Company, 345
Whitelaw Apartment House Corporation, 628
Whitelaw Hotel, 628
Whiteman, Samuel, 404
"Whites Only," 325
Whitten, David, xvii, 492
Wigs, 283. See also Hair Care Products Indus-
try; Sims, Naomi
Wilco Products Caskets, 263
Wiley College, 168
Wiley Jones Race Track, 345
Wilkerson, J. L. 414
Wilkerson, James M., II, 260
Wilkerson, Samuel, 260
William Morris Talent Agency, 18
Williams, Daniel H. (Hale), 284, 624
Williams, Dootsie, 466
Williams, Eric, 291
Williams, Hardy, 433
Williams, J. Mayo, 466
Williams, Paul R., 33, 306
Williams, Peter, Jr., Reverend, 176
Williams, Robin, 114
Williams-Russell and Johnson, 479
Williams, Thomas M., 630
Williams, William S., 521
Williamson, Fred, 235, 533
Williamson, Karen, 407
Willie Davis Distributing Company, 533
Willis, Bruce, 536
Wilson Junior College (Chicago), 570
Wilson, Tom, 415, 416
Wilson, Woodrow (President), 100
Wimbley Group, The, 6
Wimby, Marcus, 552
Windham Brothers Construction Company,
Windham, Thomas C., 172
Windhoek (Namibia), 317
"Wine and Cheese" Spectators, 537
Winfrey, Oprah, 452, 483, 595-97, 608
Winks Panorama, 629
Winners Food (Hong Kong), 311
Winston-Derek Publishers, 84
Winston Salem, NC, 567
Women, Business Enterprises, 597-612
Women in the Workplace, 587
Women, Minorities, and Employment Discrimi-
nation, 585
Women of Brewster Place, 567, 596
Women's Union (Insurance), 579
Wonder, Stevie, 469
Wonderful Hair Grower, 572
Wood, Thomas, 164
Woods, George, 433
Woods, Granville, 623
Woods, Tiger, 531
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Inter-
national Affairs, 336
Woodruff, Robert, 126
Woodson, Carter G., 171, 221, 491, 494
Woodson, Lewis, 618
"Wooing and Wedding of a Coon," 233. See
also Film Production
Woolman Benevolent Society, 447
Woolworth, 227
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 329
World Community of Islam in the West, 425
World War I era, 205, 232, 272, 304, 357,
379, 390, 459, 546, 628; Black Women En-
terprises, 603-5
World War II and Blacks, 210, 269, 306, 307,
349, 532, 542, 555, 568
World War II, Black Businesses: Black Avia-
tion Enterprises, 151; Black Chemical Com-
panies, 630; Black Construction Industry,
172-73; Black Extractive Industry
Enterprises, 223-24; Black Women Enter-
prises, 605-6
World War II Veterans, Businesspeople, 177,
World's Fair, 572, 594
Wormley's Hotel, 133
Wormley, James, 133
Wormley, William, 564, 618
Wright, Alonzo, 567
Wright, Lillian, 613
Wright, Millie (Taylor), 556
Wright, Richard Robert, Jr., 613
Wright, Richard Robert, Sr. [R.R], 306, 550,
Wrigley Field, 415
W. R. Laard, 165, 610
Xavier University, 452
Xavier University Press, 84
Xerox, 164
Yahoo, 321
Yale University, 44, 434, 476, 585
Yancy Minerals, Inc., 224
Yankees, Black, 415
Yates, Clayton R., 550
Yates, Richard (IL Governor), 344
Yell, James (Confederate General), 346
Yellow Cab Company, 555
Yellow Fever Epidemic, 616
Yemen, 308
Yerba Buena, 358-59
YMCA, 40, 42, 451
Yoruba, 247, 474
Young Men's Christian Association, 40, 42,
Young, Andrew (Mayor). See Mayors, Black
and Black Business
Young, Coleman (Mayor). See Mayors, Black
and Black Business
Young, E. F., Jr., 285
Young, Emma Odessa, 405
Your Cab Company, 138
Youth Enterprises: Race and Economic Oppor-
tunity, 413
Zaire, 308, 312, 351, 531
Zimbabwe, 193, 311
Zedrick, John H. 626
Zedricks & Co., 304
Zenith, 333
Zennith Books, 635
Zion Baptist Church, 544
Zoeller, Fuzzy, 534
Zulu Christian Industrial School, 417