Index of
Encyclopedia of African American Business History
edited by
Juliet E.K. Walker
© 1999 Greenwood Press
Reproduced 2002 with permission of the publisher
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Pace and Handy Music, 443, 466
Pace, Harry Herbert, 298, 443-45, 466, 546
Pace Phonograph Corporation, 466
Pacific Appeal, 456
Pacific Rim, 110, 303
Pacifist, 532
Pagers, 537
Paige, Satchel, 415
Palmer Institute, 451
Palm Oil Trade (West Africa), 437
Palmer, Ransford, 478
Panama, 100, 303, 304, 305
Panic of 1857, 130, 135, 179
Panic of 1873, 252, 521
Panic of 1893, 447, 561
Panis, Marie Louis, 321
Parachutes, 632
Parallax, 609
Paramount Race Artist Series, 466
Paramount Records, 444, 466
Parham, Bettie Esther, 285
Paris, 302
Paris Import and Export Corporation, 304, 629
Parker, Alice H., 604
Parker, Deannie, 467
Parker House Sausage Company, 138, 139,
Parks, Henry, 4, 636
Parks Sausage Company, 3, 541, 636, 637. See
also Parks, Henry
Parkway Ballroom (Chicago), 141
Parsons, Richard D., 431, 642, 644
Partnerships, 386
"Passing" and Black Businesspeople, 182,
358-59, 390, 444, 509
Pastin, Mark, 214
"Patent Bedstead Factory," 170
Patent Holders. See Black Patentholders
Path Press, 84
Patricia Stevens Cosmetic Company, 253
Patterson, Charles and Frederick. See Automo-
bile, Patterson-Greenfield
Patterson, Sons and Company, 566
Patton, Boggs and Blow, 96
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison,
Pavageau, Adele, 29
Payne, Daniel Alexander, 25
Payne, Evans (Rev.), 296
Payola Scandals, 464
Payton Apartment Corporation, 445
Payton, Philip A., 445-46
Peabody Education Fund, 70, 73
Peabody, George, 70, 73
Peace Mission Enterprises, 227-228
Peace Mission Movement. See Father Divine
Peace Mission Real Estate Holdings, 227
Peace Movement, 327
Peacock (Records), 467, 472
Peanut Manufacturers. See George Washington
Pearson, Mrs. C. M., 551
Pendulum Records, 468
Penny Savings Bank of St. Luke, 245
Pentecostals, 144
People United to Save Humanity. See PUSH
People's Insurance Company, 296
Peoples Involvement Corporation, 638
People's Republic of China, 96, 309
People's Restaurant, 238
People's Tabernacle, 551
Peoples, James, 370
Pepsi Cola, 165, 404, 405, 633
Pepsi Cola New Age Beverages, 315
Pepsi Cola of Washington, DC, 277, 535
Pequot Indians, 175
Percy Sutton Intercontinental, 308
Percy Sutton International, 224, 548
Perry, Christopher James, Sr., 1, 623
Perry, Herman, 172, 297, 526, 549
Perry, Mae (Bryant) Walker, 584
Personal Achievement Radio, 465
Personal Communications Services (PCS), xxv,
324, 644. See also Black Telecommunica-
tions Enterprises
Personal Services Enterprises, 36, 105, 106,
217, 254, 273-74, 294
Pet Milk, 404
Peters, William H., 553
Petersburg, VA, 260
Pettiford, William Reuben, 446-47
Pettus, Theodore, 6
Phat Farm (Clothing), 483
Philadelphi American, 434
Philadelphia Afro-American, 382
Philadelphia, Black Lawyers, 17. See also
Norris, James Austin
Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge, 433
Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Company,
363, 535
Philadelphia Female Antislavery Society, 242
Philadelphian Independent, 434
Philadelphia Institute For Colored Youth, 449
The Philadelphia Negro, 434. See also Du-
Bois, William E. B.
Philadelphia Registration Commission, 433
Philadelphia Tribune, 1, 623
Philadelphia's Caterers Association, 132
Philander Smith College, 115
Philanthropic Society of Pittsburgh, 448
Philanthropy, Black, 447-53. See also Adams,
William Lloyd; Antebellum Black Philan-
thropy; Binga, Jesse; Bronner, Nathaniel H.;
Cottrell, Comer J., Jr.; Hair Care Products
Industry; Herdon, Alonzo Franklin; Hem-
don, Norris Bumstead; Johnson, John Harold;
Lewis, Reginald Francis; Winfrey, Oprah
Philip Morris, 164
Phillips, Dewey, 464
Phillips, Ulrich B., 486
Philippines, 305, 307, 538
Philips Petroleum, 308
Plinton, James O., Jr., 637
Phoenix Bookstore, 90
Phoenix Color and Chemical Company, 306,
Phyllis Wheatley, 270
The Pickaninnies Doing a Dance (1904), 233.
See also Film Production
Pierce, Joseph (Reverend), 565
Pierce, Joseph A., 105, 111, 453, 555
Pierre, Harve, 469
"Pig Foot Mary," 603
Pillsbury, 326, 641
Pinchback, Pickney Benton Stewart, 451, 454-
Pine Bluff (Arkansas) City Council, 345
Pine Bluff Press Eagle, 345
Pittsburgh Courier, 2, 253, 306
Pittsburgh Crawfords, 415
Pittsburgh Keystones, 414
Pizza Hut, 177, 243, 643
Plato, 211
Platt, William, 220
Plessy, Homere, 451
Plessy v. Ferguson, 73, 91, 104, 134, 273,
451, 565-66
Pleasant, Mary Ellen, 455-58
Po Boy Production, 235
Poitier, Sidney, 235
Poland, 306, 316
Policy Kings, 306, 632
Policy/Numbers game, 3. See also Illegal
Black Businesses, Organized Criminal Ac-
Polio, 127, 167
Polygram, 467, 468, 483, 608, 643
Polygram Films, 483
Pompez, Alex, 415
Pontiac-GMC Division, 165
Poole, Elijah Poole. See Nation of Islam Enter-
Population (1995): Africa, 314; Asia, 315;
Brazil, 314; China, 315; Europe, 314; India,
315; Nigeria, 314; South America and Ca-
ribbean, 314; USA, 1995, 314
Population, African Americans, 1995, 113, 314
Population, Blacks in South Africa, 314
Poro Beauty School, 551
Poro College, Chicago, 472, 574
Poro College, St. Louis, 573
Poro Company, 283, 288, 304, 305, 582. See
also Turnbo-Malone, Annie Minerva Pope
Port-of-Spain (Trinidad), 167
Porter, Ollie Chinn, 405, 406
Portugal, 311
Posey, Cumberlan Willis, 414
Postal Employees, 100, 522, 551
Postro Inc., 641
Pottier, Honore, 28
Powell, Adam Clayton Reverend (Congress-
man), 92-93, 544
Powell, Clilan B., 2
Powell, Colin (General), 89-90
Powell, Lucylle, 459
Powell, William Jenifer, 458-60
POWER, 426
Prairie View A&M University, 115, 547
Pre-Civil Rights Era black business, 105. See
also Jim Crow Era, Business Impact; Sepa-
rate Economy; South, Black Business, 1880-
Preferential Treatment, 482
Pressing Comb, 572, 582
Price, G. N., 66, 67
Price, Hugh B., 97
Price, J. D., 410
Price, Ramon, 393
Prince, Abijah, 616
Prince Hall, 245
Prince Hall Masons, 186, 187, 245
Prince, Mary Gardner, 300, 601
Princeton University, 44, 336
Principles of Cutting and Styling Negro Hair,
Procope, Eresta, 431. See also Bowman, Er-
Procope, John, 607
Procter & Gamble, 7, 99
Proctor, Barbara Gardner, 6, 609
Proctor and Gardner Advertising, Inc., 6, 7,
334, 609
Proctor, Henry Hugh, Reverend, 40
Proctor, Virginia, 602
Procurement Contract Programs, 122, 150,
309. See also Affirmative Action; SBA-8(a);
Disparity Studies; Set-Asides, Minority
Progress Plaze, 636
Progressive Land Development Company, 424
Progressive National Baptist Convention, 146
Prohibition, 270
Pro-Line Corporation, 166, 308, 314, 331
Property Ownership African, 8-9
Property Owners, South (1790-1880), 22, 23,
25, 26, 29, 460-62, 517, 518. See also Slave-
holders, Large Black
Property Owners, South, Women, 1790-1880,
462. See also Antebellum Black Slavehold-
ers, Women
Proposition 209 (California), 114. See also Af-
firmative Action Retrenchment, Impact on
Black Businesses; Affirmative Action Re-
trenchment, Supreme Court Decisions
Prosser, Gabriel, 500
Prostitution, 131, 456, 516
"Protected Markets," 36, 105. See also Mar-
kets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneurship
Prothro, Charles, 550
Prothro, Louise, 404
"Proud Lady" Logo, 288
Prout, Mary, 579, 602
Provident Hospital, 624
Provincial Freeman (Canada), 601
Pryor, McClendon Counts & Co. (PMC), 311,
323. See also Investment Banking
Pryor, Richard, 236
Public Money, 67
Public Waiters Association, 132, 133
Public Works Employment Act (1977), 481
Publishers Weekly, 88
Puerto Rican, banks, 63
Puerto Rico, 307, 474
Pulaski County, KY, 219
The Pullman Porter (1910), 233. See also
Film Production
Pulsar Data Systems, 165, 318
Pure Food and Drug Act, 126
Puritans. See Atlantic Slave Trade Profits
Purvis, Robert, 242
Purvis, William B., 623, 624
PUSH, 93, 139, 148, 217, 326, 468, 548, 642
Pyrocap, 310, 542
Pyrocap B-136, 310. See also Black Pantent-
Pyrocap International Bermuda, Ltd., 310
QBR: The Black Book Review, 89
Quakers, 176, 455. See also Alantic Slave
Trade Profits
Quaker Oats, 7, 361, 533
Quarry Stone Mining, 223
Quartz Mill, 221
Queen Charlotte Island Coal Company (Can-
ada), 302
Queens Inner Unity Cable Systems, 548
Queen Litafah, 608
Qwest Records, 469
R. B. Fitzgerald Brickyard, 82
R. G. Dun Mercantile Credit Reports, 181,
248, 509. See also Dun Mercantile Credit
R. J. Dale Advertising, 6
R. L. Dukes Oldsmobile, 139
Race Conscious Procurement Programs. See
Procurement Contract Programs
"Race Men," 183, 436, 530
Race Relations, 168
Race Riots and American Business: Atlanta
Race Riot (1906), 549; Chicago Race Riot
(1919), 183, 441; Civil Rights Era Race Ri-
ots (1960s), 51, 148; Los Angeles Riot
1992, 193, 287; Tulsa Riot (1921), 204. See
also Antebellum Race Riots
Race Tracks, 249, 269, 337, 365
Racial Employment Patterns, 586. See also
Corporate America, Black Managers
Racial Monopoly," 30
"Racial Overconcentration," 30
Racism and Corporate Culture, 213-14
Racism and Jim Crow. See Jim Crow Era,
Business Impact; Jim Crow Inquities; Jim
Crow Laws
Radical Republicans, 216
Radio Enterprises, 269, 278, 309, 333, 334,
360, 393, 433, 463-65, 468, 483, 548, 550,
638, 645
Radio One, Inc., 465, 608
Ragsdale Mortuary, 260
Railroad Employees, 68, 100, 186, 551
The Railroad Porter (1912), 233. See also
Film Production
Rainbow/Push Wall Street Project Conference,
645, 646, 647
Ralston-Purina, 126
Rancho Acalanes, 358
Rancho Rio de los Americanos, 358
Rand, A. Barry, 164
Randall, Dudley, 84
Randolph, A. Philip, 632
Random House, 90
Rap Music, 110, 483. See also Hip Hop
Rare, Ripe Gold and Silver Mining Company,
Rasta Group, 289
Rayfield, Wallace, 32
RCA Records, 469
Reading University (GB), 205
Reagan, Ronald (President), 6, 139, 206-7,
Reagan Era, 139, 161, 257, 591
Real Estate Board of New York, 399
Real Estate Enterprises. See Black Real Estate
Enterprises; Black Real Estate Ventures (Or-
The Realization of a Negro's Ambition (1917),
233. See also Film Production
Recognized Insurance Coverage (RIC), 65
Reconstruction, 72, 73, 104, 171, 216, 441,
454, 498, 588
Reconstruction Black Business, 171, 517. See
also South, Black Business, 1860-1880
Recording Industry, 309, 466-69, 608, 642
Rector, Sarah, 223
Red Label Series, 466
"Redlining," 570
Red River Shipping, 568
Redding, Wesley C., 549
Reddy, Helen, 18
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Phila-
delphia v. Irwin Lieberman, 433
Redistribution, Land and Capital, 209
Reebok Corporaion, 537
Regal Theater, 253
Reggio August and Octave, 492
Regulation "Q," 62, 64
Reid, Elizabeth, 29
Reinders, Robert C., 27
Remond, Nancy Lenox, 598
Remond Sisters (Cecilia, Maritcha, Caroline),
Rene, Leon, 466
Renfroe, Robert, 51-52
Renmuth, Inc., 51
Renousard, August, 265
Reol Motion Picture Corporation, 234
Reparations and African American Business,
Republic Bank (NYC), 476
Republican Business Men's Club of New
York, 399
Republican Party, 97, 139, 143, 183, 187, 278,
344, 434, 477; Missouri Colored Division,
573; Virginia Lily Black Republican Party,
Republican National Conventions, 100, 357,
Resource One Computer Systems, 318
Responsibility, 406
"Restitution Principle," 471
"Resurrection to Beauty Fund," 193, 287
Revelation Corporation, 146
Revere, Paul, 499
Revlon, 288, 289, 330, 367, 483
Reynolds Aluminum, 313
Reynolds, Mel, 536
Revolutionary War, 44-45, 129, 175, 240,
300, 447, 448, 563
Revolving Credit Institutions, 293
Rey, B., 29
Rhodes, Bertha Perry, 405
Rhone, Sylvia, 469
Rhythm and Blues Concerts, 468
Rice, Norman (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and
Black Business
Rice Threshing Machine, 595
Richardson, Julian and Raye, 88
Richest African American. See Winfrey, Oprah
"Richest Negro Street in the World," 552
Richmond, 104, 297
Richmond Council of Colored Women, 580
Richmond v. Croson. See City of Richmond v.
J. A. Croson Co.
Ricquet, Nicol, 28
Rillieux, Norbert, 28, 195, 619
Riverside Bank, 61
RMS Technologies, 318, 642
"Robber Barons," 222, 451, 458
Robbins, IL, 78, 472
Roberts Automobile Company (MO), 567
Roberts, Colson, and Company, 301
Roberts, Herman, 554
Roberts, Homor, 567
Roberts, Joann, 90
Roberts, Joseph Jenkins, 301, 563
Roberts, Roy, 165
Robey, Don, 471-72
Robinson, Jack, 560
Robinson, Jackie, 416, 530, 532
Robinson, John Charles, 472-73
Robinson, Louie, Jr., 556
Robinson, Sylvia, 469
Roche, Joyce, 165, 610
Rockefeller, John D., 74, 222
Rocky Mountain News, 238
Rodgers, Moses, 222
Rogers, John W., Jr., xxv
Rollins, William, 220
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 348
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 60, 183, 187, 381
Roosevelt, Theodore, 603
Roosevelt University, 98, 570, 591
Roots, 557
Rosebud Reservation (SD), 381
Rose Meta House of Beauty-Rose Morgan,
285, 473-74, 607
Rosenwald, Julius, 74
Ross, Victoria, 604
Rotating Credit Associations, 247, 474-75
Rotating Credit Associations, Caribbean Amer-
ican Chamber of Commerce and United
States Commerical Banks, 474-78
Rothchild, Charles, 520
Roundanez, Louis Chares, 28
Royal Crown Bottling Company, 404
Royal Hotel, 551
Royal Knights of King David, 246, 395, 435
Royal Life Insurance Company, 546
Royal Peacock Club, 551
Royster, Don, M., Sr., 43
R. T. Bess Company, 322
Rubber Recyling Plant, 637
Rubin, Rick, 483
Ruggles, David, 618
"Rule of Two" Program, 52
"Rumble in the Jungle," 351, 531
Rush Associated Labels, 468
Rush Communications, 468, 483, 642
Rush Management, 468
Rush Philanthropic Arts, 483
Russell-Rowe Communications, 479
Russell, Alice, 383
Russell, Harvey C., 404. See National Associa-
tion of Market Developers
Russell, Herman Jerome, 174, 478-79
Russell, J. Jerome, 479
Russell, Michael, 479
Russia, 96, 300, 313
Russian Serfs, 488
Russian Silicon, 313
Russwurm, John, 302
Rutger, Antoinette, 560-61
Rutgers University, 363, 586
Rutherford, Samuel Wilson, 40, 246