

A Liberal Education: The Social and Political Impact of the Modern University (with Brendan Apfeld, Emanuel Coman and John Gerring). 2024. Cambridge University Press.

Ideology and Spatial Voting in American Elections. 2012. Cambridge University Press.

Peer Reviewed Articles

"Generalizing Toward Nonrespondents: Effect Estimates in Survey Experiments are Broadly Similar for Eager and Reluctant Participants." (with Philip Moniz, Rodrigo Ramirez-Perez, and Erin Hartman) Political Analysis.

"Asking About Complex Policies." (with Neil Malhotra and Maya Sen) Public Opinion Quarterly. 2025.

"Effects of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling to restrict abortion rights." (with Chelsey Clark, Betsy Levy-Paluck, Sean Westwood, Maya Sen, and Neil Malhotra) Nature Human Behaviour. 2023.

A decade-long longitudinal survey shows that the Supreme Court is now much more conservative than the public. (with Neil Malhotra and Maya Sen). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022, 119(24). [Replication Materials]

Higher Education and Cultural Liberalism. (with Brendan Apfeld, Emanuel Coman and John Gerring). Journal of Politics. Forthcoming.

Moderator Placement in Survey Experiments. (with Bethany Albertson). Journal of Experimental Political Science. Forthcoming.

The Impact of University Attendance on Partisanship. (with Brendan Apfeld, Emanuel Coman and John Gerring). Political Science Research & Methods. Forthcoming.

Education and Social Capital. (with Brendan Apfeld, Emanuel Coman and John Gerring). Journal of Experimental Political Science. 20222. 9(2) 162-188. [Replication Materials]

Estimating Individuals' Political Perceptions While Adjusting for Differential Item Functioning. Political Analysis. 2021. 29(1): 1-18.
[Online Appendix] [Replication Materials]

Demographic Moderation of Spatial Voting in Presidential Elections. (with Lindsay Dun) American Politics Research. 2020.

Modeling Spending Preferences and Public Policy. (with Alexander Branham). Electoral Studies. 2017. 45:115-172.

(How) Can We Estimate the Ideology of Citizens and Political Elites on the Same Scale? American Journal of Political Science. 2016. 16(4):1108-1124.
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[Replication Materials]

"Don't Know" Responses, Personality and the Measurement of Political Knowledge. Political Science Research and Methods. 2017. 5(4):711-731.
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Ideological Proximity and Support for the Supreme Court. (with Neil Malhotra) Political Behavior. 2014, 36:817-846.

The Two Faces of Congressional Roll Call Voting. (with Sean Theriault) Party Politics. 2014, 20(6):837-848.

Public (Mis)Perceptions of Supreme Court Ideology: A Method for Directly Comparing Citizens and Justices. (with Neil Malhotra) Public Opinion Quarterly. 2013, 77(2): 619-634.

What Can We Learn About the Ideology of the Newest Supreme Court Justices? (with Alex Tahk) PS: Political Science and Politics. 2011, 44(3): 524-529.

Partisan Bias, Political Information and Spatial Voting in the 2008 Presidential Election The Journal of Politics. 2010, 72(2):327-340.
[Online Appendix]

Are Congressional Leaders Middlepersons or Extremists? Yes. (with Neil Malhotra) Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2010, XXXV(3): 361-392.
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Voter Ideology and Candidate Positioning in the 2008 Presidential Election American Politics Research. 2010, 38(2): 195-210.
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Spatial Voting in the 2004 Presidential Election. American Political Science Review. 2009, 103(1):59-81.


SCOTUSpoll (with Maya Sen and Neil Malhotra) An annual national survey of Americans' views of the Supreme Court and their opinions about the major Supreme Court cases heard by the Court each term.

"The Supreme Court is Now Operating Outside of American Public Opinion" (Opinion) (with Neil Malhotra and Maya Sen). Politico. July 19, 2022.

"The Supreme Court said LGBT discrimination in the workplace should be illegal. Roughly 70% of Republicans agree." (with Neil Malhotra and Maya Sen). Washington Post (The Monkey Cage). June 16, 2020.

"Kavanaugh will Move the Court to the Right of Even Most Republicans" (Opinion) The New York Times. 2018.

Supreme Court Ideology Project (with Alex Tahk)